Spatial Data on the Web Working Group

Hi all,

hope you had a good start into 2015!

This is a pointer to the "Spatial Data on the Web Working Group" of the W3C. This may be of interest to some of us. Moreover, this group (RDF Stream Processing) is mentioned as a related group in their Charter [1].

They state that "[t]he scope of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group, SDWWG, is Web technologies as they may be applied to location." It is also related to the Semantic Sensor Network Vocabulary and will try to develop it into a formal Recommendation. Since I know that some people of RSP also participated in the SSN Incubator Group, this may be relevant.

I am happy to hear your thoughts on this and if any of you will particiapte. The first meeting is scheduled for 22 January [2].



Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2015 12:27:04 UTC