Re: RSP next calls

I think that some of those who were in the meeting also might have 
slightly differing interpretations of what was said... I agree to that 
there were two alternative interpretations of "data stream" discussed, 
but as far as I understood those differed in the sense that 1) was an 
*infinite* stream, where the elements of the stream could somehow be 
*associated with time* (whether a timestamped triple, a timestamped 
graph, or just a stream where time is implicit from the arrival times of 
elements etc), and 2) was a *finite* stream of elements where *time is 
not necessarily an aspect*, e.g. triples from a data store being 
processed in a streaming fashion.

I would be reluctant to at this stage limit ourselves to a specific 
model, e.g. RDF statements with a single timestamp each.
Just my 2c..

On 12/11/2013 17:33 , Emanuele Della Valle wrote:
> Hi Abram,
> I mean a list of tuples <s,t> where s is an RDF statement and t is a 
> non decreasing timestamp.
> Cheers,
> Emanuele
> --
> prof. Emanuele Della Valle
> DEIB - Politecnico di Milano
> m. +393389375810
> w.
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Abraham Bernstein < 
> <>>
>  wrote:
>> Emanuele, all
>> I am slightly confused.... so just to clarify When you talk about 
>> time-series: do you mean a series of numbers (expressed in triples) 
>> or a time-ordered series of triples?
>> Cheers
>> Avi
>> On 12.11.2013, at 03:05, Jean-Paul < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks for your input. 4th Telco will be on nov 22 15:00 CET.
>>> We will be discussing about the Streams concepts and definitions 
>>> that we have started drafting in the wiki.
>>> Please feel free to provide your input there already:
>>> ...specialy if there is a key concept missing that you consider we 
>>> should include.
>>> Cheers,
>>> jp
>>> PS
>>> Please, if Danh or Manfred can help us again with Webex, we will be 
>>> very thankful.
>>> 2013/11/6 Jean-Paul < <>>
>>>     Yes, I see. That will make everyone's life easier.
>>>     We'll dicuss it.
>>>     thanks
>>>     jp
>>>     2013/11/6 Axel Polleres <
>>>     <>>
>>>         Thanks, BTW, may I suggest that instead of a single doodle
>>>         per Telco, to doodle for one fixed timeslot per week, e.g.
>>>         "Tue 15:00" or alike, as usual in other WGs? I think this
>>>         should make planning easier. Maybe we can discuss this in
>>>         the Telco.
>>>         thanks & best regards,
>>>         Axel
>>>         --
>>>         Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
>>>         Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
>>>         url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres
>>>         On Nov 2, 2013, at 11:40 PM, Jean-Paul <
>>>         <>> wrote:
>>>         > Hello All,
>>>         >
>>>         > Thanks to all who could attend the meeting at ISWC, and
>>>         specially to those who made it through WebEx (although
>>>         couldn't interact too much, unfortunately)
>>>         >
>>>         > The meeting went quite well, and we received input from
>>>         people of other sub-communities and with different
>>>         background. Others showed interest, at least as 'observers'
>>>         of what we are trying to do.
>>>         >
>>>         > One result of the meting is the intention of clarifying
>>>         the scope of our work. A first step to do this is to have
>>>         written some of the key concepts and definitions that we
>>>         should agree on. Mikko has already provided a first version
>>>         as he already commented, and the purpose of the next telecon
>>>         will be to discuss them:
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         > Until then, I invite you all to contribute to that ( I see
>>>         some have already started, great!) so that we can have
>>>         material for discussion.
>>>         >
>>>         > Please, also indicate your preferences for the next calls:
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         > Thanks to all,
>>>         >
>>>         > jp
>>>         >
>>>         > --
>>>         > Jean-Paul Calbimonte
>>>         > Ontology Engineering Group
>>>         > Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>>>     -- 
>>>     Jean-Paul Calbimonte
>>>     Ontology Engineering Group
>>>     Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>>> -- 
>>> Jean-Paul Calbimonte
>>> Ontology Engineering Group
>>> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> |  Professor Abraham Bernstein, PhD
>> |  University of Zürich, Department of Informatics
>> |  web:

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 09:09:50 UTC