RE: Introductions and review of work plan

Dear RQTF members,

My name is Faezeh - I'm Principal Digital Access Research Consultant at Vision Australia, based in Sydney. My academic background includes a PhD in Computer & Information Science involving search engine personalisation and user interface design from UCL Institute of Education with 10+ years of teaching experience at Further and Higher education and is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

I enjoy conducting research activities and writing papers mainly in the area of Web personalisation and Accessibility. My recent papers includes (1) “Search Engines: new widgets, new accessibility challenges” and (2) “Beyond Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Expert Accessibility Reviews”, papers accepted at DSAI 2016, December 1-3, 2016 - UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal

Looking forward to be part of your group and making a contribution.

Kind Regards,
Dr Faezeh Seyedarabi
Principal Digital Access Research Consultant
Vision Australia
4 Mitchell St, Enfield, NSW 2136
P:  02 9334 3503
M: 04 2918 3990

Vision Australia’s Accessibility Toolkit – Resources to help businesses understand and implement digital accessibility

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hollier []
Sent: Wednesday, 16 November 2016 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: Introductions and review of work plan

To all RQTF members

Thanks very much to everyone for the opportunity to be involved in the RQTF, I'm really looking forward to making a contribution.

In terms of introductions, my academic background includes a PhD titled 'The Disability Divide' which focused on the importance of access and technology.  My work history includes co-authoring and currently teaching the Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility online course at the University of South Australia, formerly working for 8 years with Media Access Australia and currently providing digital access consultancy across a number of projects and universities.  I'm also legally blind, and as such have great respect and appreciation for everyone involved in W3C-related work as it has made a great difference to my life on a personal level. If anyone would like more information you're welcome to get in touch or alternatively I've literally just published a book titled 'outrunning the night' which is now on Amazon.

In the past I had some limited involvement with the EOWG but found it difficult to make a contribution due to my time zone being +8GMT and a lot of assumed knowledge that made it difficult to pick things up, so I'm really pleased to be coming into this at the beginning.   I'd like to echo David's points though in terms of getting a really good understanding of how we progress the RQTF outputs and how that feeds into other W3C groups and processes.

In terms of the work plan, the topic areas look great to me.  The only thing I'd add, and I'm not sure if this is something  for this group or more appropriate elsewhere, is that the number one question I get asked all the time in a research context is 'Why is there nothing out there about how to specifically make  apps accessible?'  I know W3C has some great resources around mobile accessibility more broadly and WCAG2ICT, and I’m conscious that the WCAGWG is looking at this space with WCAG 2.1 and others,  but IMHO app accessibity specifically, especially given the dominance of iOS and Android, has significant relevance in research areas and would be relevant across all W3C working groups.  That said, the current tasks are certainly really important and I was especially pleased to see CAPTCHAs on the list!

The only final thing I'd like to ask is for some consideration for my time zone.  I understand +8GMT is likely to be a pain in trying to organise things but any flexibility is welcome as realistically if the meetings are at 3am for me it would be very challenging - even with coffee!

Thanks again,


Dr Scott Hollier
Specialist Advisor, Digital Accessibility
E-mail: Mobile: +61 (0)430 351 909

‘Outrunning the Night’ - a memoir with a purpose. Launching 23 November

-----Original Message-----
From: David Sloan []
Sent: Wednesday, 16 November 2016 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: Introductions and review of work plan

Hi RQTF members

Jason asked for introductions—here’s mine. I’m David Sloan, User Experience Research Lead with The Paciello Group. Previously, I spent over 13 years at the University of Dundee, in Scotland, researching and teaching on a range of accessibility-related topics. My PhD explored the impact of web accessibility audits as a motivational and educational tool.

I’m interested in contributing to RQTF in a number of specific ways:
1. to pick up on past efforts by RDWG to create a Tips for Accessibility-Aware Research Guide 2. to liaise with the Silver TF, in particular to help ensure that specific research projects that can feed in to Silver’s work do so in an effective and timely fashion 3. related to the previous point, to help rebuild links with the academic accessibility research community, which I worry have broken down somewhat after the end of RDWG 4. I’m also co-chair of the Accessible Online Learning Community Group. While its focus is primarily on helping ensure WAI resources effectively support people working in online learning, there may be specific connections that emerge with this TF.

I’m looking forward to working with other TF members to achieve our goals!

I don’t have any specific comments on the work plan topics listed, though I would be interested in learning more about RQTF processes:
* how do we work with other TFs and WGs to define future topics that are of relevance to their work?
* how do we ensure that work the TF commits to is managed in the best way, especially given the current lack of resources within the TF?
* how do we engage domain specialists wherever possible in helping to answer specific research questions?


> On 14 Nov 2016, at 15:39, White, Jason J <> wrote:
> Dear Research Questions Task Force participants,
> As we expect to hold our first teleconference soon, this is a good opportunity to make the introductions.
> Could you post to the list a brief introduction describing your work
> and your research interests, as well as a comment on the work plan at

> an
> ·        Are there any topics that you think should be added to the work plan or other changes that you would recommend?
> ·        Are there additional tasks or issues that should be included with respect to existing topics?
> With thanks and regards,
> Jason.
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> Thank you for your compliance.

David Sloan

UX Research Lead
The Paciello Group

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Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 09:59:23 UTC