Call for Abstracts - An Open World: Science, Technology and Society in the Light of Niels Bohr's Thoughts

With apologies for cross-posting

Conference: 'An Open World: Science, Technology and Society in the Light of Niels Bohr's Thoughts'
University of Copenhagen, 4-6 December 2013.

We invite abstracts on the societal-political challenges posed by emerging science and technology, the role of open knowledge in handling these, and procedures for interfaces between science and politics.

As part of the 2013 centennial of Niels Bohr's seminal articles on the atom, the University of Copenhagen hosts this ambitious international conference with prominent speakers from academe and policy to 'update' Bohr's 1950 'Open Letter to the UN'.

Plenary and parallel sessions run under four headings:

* Military Technologies of Tomorrow

* Global Threats and Possibilities

* Politics and Economics with New Technologies: Openness?

* Scientists and Politics

The first two cover new challenges produced by radical breakthroughs in science and technology - first military challenges, then threats and transformations in other domains like climate change, energy, health and bio-technologies.

The third explores the 'solution side' as suggested by Bohr through the concept of openness. Papers can explore economic, legal, political and technological decisions that currently curtail the potential of eg. the internet.

In the fourth, the relationship between science and politics is addressed. How can decision makers be informed by cutting edge scientists about the implications of scientific developments?

Abstracts submitted to<> no later than September 1, 2013 will be swiftly reviewed and the selected papers will be circulated ahead of the conference. A longer background paper about the conference, a complete Call for Papers as well as the preliminary program can be found at or by mailing the above address, where questions about the conference will be answered..

Kind regards,

Ole Wæver, PhD * Professor of International Relations
   Director of Centre for Advanced Security Theory
   Director of Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts
Department of Political Science - University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5 * 1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Dept phone: +45 3532 3366 * Fax: +45 3532 3399
Direct phone: +45 3532 3431 * Office 4-1-53
Web pages:<> *<> *<>

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:21:10 UTC