rif meeting today

We will meet again Oct. 23 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time in Boston.

Harold, Michael, and I met today.  Christian joined later.

FLD, BLD, Core, SWC, OWL2RL, PRD appear done.

Primer: unfinished. CSMA to contact Gary about contributing to PRD section.
Proposed phone call Monday 24 sept 3.30PM EDT

FLD, BLD reviews: Chris and Chris will try to get JosDB

DTB: waiting on Axel. Not getting emails.  WOrks at Siemans now.  CSMA will look at making the changes

XML-data: ready and will be "promoted" to note

Useful to get Leora, Axel in as invited experts, sandro?


Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2012 16:04:12 UTC