Re: [Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 23 March


Regarding the agenda for today's meeting, you write:

> 7. RIF primer (20 mn)
> - Discussion on publishing a RIF primer document (see also Stella's email
> [13]).
>  * Among other questions: who will write it? Can this be derived from UCR?

I believe you mean "Leora's email."
I look forward to discussing this topic at the meeting.

Best regards,

On Mon, March 22, 2010 9:30 am, Christian De Sainte Marie wrote:
> AGENDA Teleconference
> W3C Rules Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group
> 23 March 2010
> 1600 UTC, 0800 (West US) 1100 (East US) 1500 (London) 1600 (Paris)
> Duration: *90 min*
> *ATTENTION*: the telecon is one hour earlier than usual in Europe (due to
> North America having moved to daylight saving time already)
> Scribe: Dave Reynolds (alternate: Hassan Ait-Kaci)
> *Agenda summary*
> 1. Admin [1] [15](5 mn)
> 2. Liaison (5 mn)
> 3. Action review [2] [3] (5 mn)
> 4. Public comments [4] (5 mn)
> 5. Features at risk [12] (15 mn)
> *PROPOSED:* keep the strictness requirement (feature at risk) reworded as
> "a conformant implementation must reject a RIF document that contains
> features that it does not support".
> 6. PR Requests [11] (15 mn)
> *PROPOSED*: Request PR for Core [5]
> *PROPOSED:* Request PR for BLD [6]
> *PROPOSED:* Request PR for PRD [7]
> *PROPOSED:* Request PR for DTB [8]
> *PROPOSED:* Request PR for SWC [9]
> *PROPOSED:* Request PR for FLD [10]
> 7. RIF primer [13] (20 mn)
> 8. Test cases [14] (20 mn)
> *PROPOSED:* Approve test cases per review during telecon
> 9. AOB (next meeting)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> [12]
> [13]
> [14]
> [15]
> -------------------
> *Detailed agenda*
> Bridges: +1.617.761.6200 (US), +33 4 89 06 34 99 (F) or +44.117.370.6152
> (GB)
> Conference code: 74394# ('RIFWG')
> IRC Chat: (port 6665), #rif
> Web-based IRC (member-only): []
> ]
> Chair: Chris Welty
> Scribe: Dave Reynolds (alternate: Hassan Ait-Kaci)
> See Scribes Ring []
> Please note that RIF WG telecons are for attendance only by Working
> Group Participants and guests invited by the chairs.
> 1. ADMIN (5 min)
> - Roll call (please read before telecon the following)
> RIF Regrets Policy:
> []
> Using Zakim:
> []
> Telecon Etiquette:
> []
> Action/Issues Tracker:
> []
> - Agenda amendments
> PROPOSED: accept minutes of telecon March 2 [15]
> PROPOSED: accept minutes of telecon March 16 [1]
> *Summer time*: Europe will move to summer time on March 28
>                               => Telecon March 30 will be back to usual
> time in Europe!
> 2. Liaison (5 min)
> - Review active liaisons:
> PRR (OMG) - Paul Vincent
> OWL (W3C) - Sandro Hawke
> HCLS (W3C IG) - Adrian Paschke
> SPARQL (W3C) - Axel Polleres
> 3. Action review (5 mn)
> - Review actions due [2] and pending review [3]
> 4. Public comments [4] (5 mn)
> - Review new public comments [4]
> 5. Features at risk (15 mn)
> - Discuss and decide what to do with the remaining "at risk" feature [12]
> *PROPOSED:* keep the strictness requirement (feature at risk) reworded as
> "a conformant implementation must reject a RIF document that contains
> features that it does not support".
> 6. PR requests (15 mn)
> - If consensus that CR exit criteria [11] are met and if fate of remaining
> at risk feature resolved, discuss requesting that all the CR specs be
> moved to PR
> *PROPOSED: Request PR for Core [5]
> PROPOSED: Request PR for BLD [6]
> PROPOSED: Request PR for PRD [7]
> PROPOSED: Request PR for DTB [8]
> PROPOSED: Request PR for SWC [9]
> PROPOSED: Request PR for FLD [10]
> 7. RIF primer (20 mn)
> - Discussion on publishing a RIF primer document (see also Stella's email
> [13]).
>  * Among other questions: who will write it? Can this be derived from UCR?
> 8. Test cases (20 mn)
> - Review and approve test cases [14]
> *PROPOSED:* Approve test cases per review during telecon
> 9. AOB (next meeting)
> - Next telecon: 30 March 2010 *1600 UTC*, 0800 (West US) 1100 (East US)
> *1600 (London) 1700 (Paris)*
> -------------------------
> Christian
> 9 rue de Verdun
> 94253 - Gentilly cedex - FRANCE
> Tel. +33 1 49 08 35 00
> Fax +33 1 49 08 35 10
> Sauf indication contraire ci-dessus:/ Unless stated otherwise above:
> Compagnie IBM France
> Siege Social : 17 avenue de l'Europe, 92275 Bois-Colombes Cedex
> RCS Nanterre 552 118 465
> Forme Sociale : S.A.S.
> Capital Social : 611.451.766,20 ?
> SIREN/SIRET : 552 118 465 03644

Leora Morgenstern, Ph.D.

Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 14:12:49 UTC