Re: [XML-Data] review of current draft

csma wrote on 15/06/2010 22:32:20:
> > 11- as discussed (privately), all element information items in an
> > instance of the data model are meant to be distinct. This must be
> > mentioned in the definition. 
> [...] 
> I will add (see 17, below), that everything else is unchanged, when 
> replacing RIF Core/BLD semantic structures with RIF Core/BLD+XML 
> data combined intepretations in the definitions. Is that ok? 

The last paragraph, above, was meant to be included in my reply to remark 
16, below...

> > 16- a RIF document is interpreted using a semantic multi-structure,
> > not a semantic structure. This needs to be taken into account in the
> > definitions in section 4. 
> The spec says explicitly that, apart from the additional constraints
> in the definition of a semantic structure, the semantics of RIF 
> Core/BLD+XML data combinations is exactly unchanged from the 
> semantics of RIF Core/BLD. 
> Is not that sufficient? Or do you think there are also differences 
> in the handling of multi-structures? I did not check, to say the truth 
> I will, but I am not sure that I do anything in time for a 
> publication on June 22: if changes need be made, can we do with an 
> editor's note for that round? 

Sorry about the confusion: I should not have reread and modified my reply 
at this time of night, after diner and a bottle of wine :-)



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Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 20:44:41 UTC