Re: rif owlrl

Sandro Hawke wrote:
> Shall we try to publish a WD of OWLRL in the next round?  We're aiming
> for Sept 17, with publication decisions on the non-rec-track documents
> at the meeting on the 15th.

It sounds like a good idea, though I may not be able to make the call on 
the 15th.

> I just added an abstract, just so the formatting would work, and I
> noticed that the intro says OWL RL has some datatypes RIF doesn't
> support; I think that's old, and section 4.4.1 is correct in saying they
> are now aligned.

Thanks. I'll fix the intro and check what else might be outstanding. 
Probably be able to look at that Tuesday this week.


Received on Sunday, 6 September 2009 11:59:21 UTC