Re: [RDF+OWL] Way of connecting RDF and RIF lists

Dave Reynolds wrote:
> Jos de Bruijn wrote:
>> Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>> Hmmm.  I'm wondering how far you'd get by just adding rules like this:
>>>     forall ?L ?x
>>>        if is-list(?L) and count(?L) > 0        then
>>> ?L[rdf:first->get(?L, 0) and
>>>             ?L[rdf:rest->sublist(?L, 1)
>>>     forall ?L ?x
>>>        if is-list(?L) and count(?L) = 0        then ?L = rdf:nil
>>>     but I guess they aren't safe, and "?L = rdf:nil" isn't in Core or
>>> PRD,
>>> and they're ... rather wasteful.
>> Actually, I think they are going to be safe, since there is the is-list
>> guard.
> ? Surely the safety definition requires each variable to be grounded by
> a non-external predicate.  Certainly I don't see how those rules could
> be implemented in a PR system.

Sorry, yes, you are completely right.


> Dave

+43 1 58801 18470

Jos de Bruijn,
Many would be cowards if they had courage
  - Thomas Fuller

Received on Friday, 1 May 2009 09:47:28 UTC