Re: notes from Presentation Syntax task force meeting

Jos de Bruijn wrote:
>>    -- Regarding literals like 123.456, we'll require a suffix to tell us
>>       which datatype to use:
> As I just mentioned in the telecon I suggest to follow Turtle:
>>           123.456d ==> "123.456"^^<xs:decimal>  
> 123.456 ==> "123.456"^^<xs:decimal>
>>           123.456e ==> "123.456"^^<xs:double>   (as in Java/C)
> 123.456e0 ==> "123.456"^^<xs:double>
>>           123.456f ==> "123.456"^^<xs:float>    (as in Java/C)
> there is no shortcut syntax for floats.
> Best, Jos



Dr. Axel Polleres
Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, 
email:  url:

Received on Thursday, 12 March 2009 09:21:39 UTC