RR 2009 abstracts due!

**** Abstract submission deadline approaching! ****

Apologies for multiple postings


		The Third International Conference on
	       Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2009)


		       Chantilly, Virginia, USA
			 October 25-26, 2009

     Co-located with the International Semantic Web Conference '09

            *  Abstract submission: June 28, 2009

            *  Paper submission: July 4, 2009

The International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) is
a major forum for discussion and dissemination of new results
concerning Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. RR 2009 builds on the
success of the first two International Conferences on Web Reasoning
and Rule Systems, held in 2007 in Innsbruck and in and 2008 in
Karlsruhe, which received enthusiastic support from the Web Rules
community. In 2009, RR will continue the excellence of the new series
and aim to attract the best Web Reasoning and Rules researchers from
all over the world.

Suggested topics include the following, which is not to be considered
as an exhaustive list:

  *  Representation techniques for web-based knowledge
  *  Acquisition of rules and ontologies by knowledge extraction
  *  Combining open and closed-world reasoning
  *  Combining rules and ontologies
  *  Design and analysis of reasoning languages
  *  Efficiency and benchmarking
  *  Implemented tools and systems
  *  Foundations and applications related to relevant
         standardization bodies such as the W3C Rule
         Interchange Format (RIF), Web Ontology Language (OWL2) and
         SPARQL working groups, or the W3C Uncertainty Reasoning for the
         World Wide Web Incubator Group, etc.
  *  Ontology usability
  *  Ontology languages and their relationships
  *  Querying and optimization
  *  Rules and ontology management (such as inconsistency handling and
  *  Reasoning with uncertainty and under inconsistency
  *  Reasoning with constraints
  *  Rule languages and systems
  *  Rule interchange formats and Rule markup languages
  *  Scalability vs. expressivity of reasoning on the web
  *  Approximate reasoning techniques for the Web
  *  Integration of statistical methods and symbolic reasoning
  *  Semantic Web Services modeling and applications
  *  Web and Semantic Web applications and experience papers



Papers for past conferences were published in the Springer LNCS series
   (acceptance pending for this year).  Papers may be accepted as:

  *  full papers (15 pages in the proceedings)

  *  short papers (8 pages in the proceedings)

  *  posters (2 pages in the proceedings).

The stated lengths include title, abstract and list of references. All
papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style (see
http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/Authors.html), and must be in PDF
format. Submission is via EasyChair, at



  *  Abstract submission: June 28, 2009

  *  Paper submission: July 4, 2009

  *  Acceptance decisions: August 1, 2009

  *  Camera-ready papers due: August 25, 2009



     Grigoris Antoniou       FORTH-ICS (GR)
     Marcelo Arenas          PUC Chile (CL)
     Leopoldo Bertossi       Carleton University (CA)
     Piero Bonatti           Univ. of Naples Frederico II (IT)
     Carlos Damasio          Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
     Wlodek Drabent          IPI PAN Warszawa (PL)
     Bernardo Cuenca Grau    University of Oxford  (UK)
     Volker Haarslev         Concordia University (CA)
     Giovambattista Ianni    Univ. of Calabria (IT)
     Manolis Koubarakis      National&Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens (GR)
     Domenico Lembo          DIS, Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza" (IT)
     Thomas Lukasiewicz      Computing Lab. Univ. of Oxford (UK)
     Francesca Alessandra Lisi   Universita degli Studi di Bari (IT)
     Wolfgang May            Univ. Goettingen (DE)
     David Pearce            Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES)
     Enrico Pontelli         New Mexico State University (US)
     Guilin Qi               Univ. of Karlsruhe (DE)
     Marie-Christine Rousset  Univ. of Grenoble (FR)
     Sebastian Rudolph       Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (DE)
     Sebastian Schaffert     Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaf (AT)
     Michael Sintek          DFKI GmbH  (DE)
     Giorgos Stamou          National Tech. University of Athens (GR)
     Heiner Stuckenschmidt   Univ. of Mannheim (DE)
     York Sure               AIFB - Universitaet Karlsruhe (DE)
     Peter Szeredi           Budapest Univ of Tech. and Econ. (HU)
     Sergio Tessaris         Free University of Bozen - Bolzano (IT)
     Hans Tompits            Vienna Univ. of Technology (AT)
     Dirk Vermeir            Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)



For information about papers and submissions, please contact a Program

   Terrance Swift
   PC co-Chair - RR 2009
   Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CENTRIA)
   Departamento de Informatica FCT/UNL
   Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA -  Portugal
   Email: tswift@cs.sunysb.edu

   Axel Polleres
   PC co-Chair - RR 2009
   Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
   National University of Ireland, Galway
   IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan - Galway, Ireland
   Email: axel.polleres@deri.org

For other information about the conference, please contact the General

   Michael Kifer
   Computer Science Department
   SUNY Stony Brook
   Stony Brook, NY USA
   Email; kifer@cs.sunysb.edu

Received on Saturday, 27 June 2009 12:15:02 UTC