ISSUE-97 (Core SAFETY): Shoudl Core safeness be restricted to Eiter-Schindlauer safeness [Core]

ISSUE-97 (Core SAFETY): Shoudl Core safeness be restricted to Eiter-Schindlauer safeness [Core]

Raised by: Christopher Welty
On product: Core

At the 10 Mar 09 telecon, the WG resolved that Core will be Eiter-Schindlauer-safe, but that restriction will be at risk (not putting in question simple safeness as defined in  This degree of safeness restricts rulesets to a syntactically checkable set of features such that the ruleset is guaranteed to terminate in a forward-chaining engine.

This issue is intended to track that at-risk feature, to be closed when the WG has implementation feedback on whether this degree of safeness is considered necessary for any implementors.

See []

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2009 14:22:43 UTC