Any proposals for a Concise RIF XML Syntax?

Occasionally people talk about making the XML syntax for RIF more terse
and easy to read by humans.   I remember Jos and Hassan saying things in
this direction fairly recently.

A long time ago we went through a suggestion I had for this -- I
proposed some rules for when you could skip a stripe as redundant -- but
we decided against that (with me concurring).

I wonder if there are any other proposals for a concise RIF XML syntax?
If so, they'd need to come forward very very soon.  (Some would say it's
too late already, but...  *shrug*)

I started a table where one could do an ad hoc version of this:

Please edit at will, with comments here, if this is something you're
interested in.

     -- Sandro


Received on Friday, 16 May 2008 16:00:35 UTC