Re: new RIF snapshots (was Re: BLD and FLD edits)

Sandro Hawke wrote:

> Great!  I generated new 9-Jun snapshots (with color-coded diffs) for
> all six documents.  They are linked from the WG home page, and from each
> other's status section.

Well, not knowing exactly when you generated the PRD snapshot, I cannot 
even guarantee that it is self consistent, as I am doing most of my 
edits off-line, and saving on the wiki from time to time (not 
necessarily caring about the consistency of intermediate back-ups).

I will let you know when there is a consistent and correct draft to 
snapshot (could be later today; if only I hadn't to be interrupted by 
that bloody RIF telecon :-)


Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:55:58 UTC