
> > I went through this in bld and made sure that all text inside ul/ol is also
> > inside the li-tags.
> > Can u check if this fixes the html in the output version?
> It does appear to fix the HTML lists.
> I did a new round of drafts.  (July 28).
> BLD (along with FLD and UCR) still has many HTML validation errors,
> though.  Add ",validate" to the URL to see the errors...
> How are the ,checklinks reports coming? 

I looked over them, and there are mixed results.  Still documents still
have broken links between documents that MUST be fixed.

Note, however, that the broken results to XML and RDF names, like this:

=       What to do: There are broken fragments which must be fixed.
=       Response status code: 200
=       Response message: OK
=       Lines: 524, 3822, 4254
=       Broken fragments and their line numbers: They need to be fixed!
=           string: 524 

can be ignored.  The checklinks tool isn't so smart about RDF and XML.
It assumes all URLs are for HTML.

If you're not sure about wiki junk, run checklinks on the frozen draft

     -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 28 July 2008 19:48:26 UTC