Call for test cases


Please take a few minutes to think up a test case or two (or ten) for BLD, and 
put them up on the Wiki.  We informally agreed on the last telecon to focus 
mainly on entailment tests (though if you find a real need for some other kind 
of test case please present the case and argument to the group).  Adrian, Leora, 
and Stella are editing the test cases.

Below are instructions to create new test cases on the WIKI. The test cases will 
be automatically classified into the category of the used template and the 
specified dialect. We probably might need more templates (categories) later,  as 
described here

But let's start simple first and collect positive entailment tests which 
demonstrate BLD and DTB.

The properties of the templates for test cases are described here

Some example test cases for BLD (positive entailment test cases) can be found here

Stepts to submit test cases on the WIKI at

1. To create a new test case type in a new unused WIKI URL such as[Name of Test Case]
and edit the page (you must be logged in).

2. Write your test case unsing one of the existing templates for test cases. 
Currently there are two templates

- A template for positive entailment tests consisting of premises and conclusion(s)
- A template for positive syntax tests consisting of a valid RIF rule set example

To write a test case, the easiest way is to simply copy and paste the sources of 
an existing test case (edit an existing test case) to your new test case and 
change the fields. An example can be found here

Your new test case will be automatically classified into the category of the 
template which you have used and the category of the dialect, which you have 
specified in your test case, e.g. Core, BLD, PRD.

3. It is possible to define new templates for test cases. You might take a look 
at  the sources of the existing templates (edit the template) and the 
description of their properties at

General categories of test cases envisioned by RIF can be found at

Dr. Christopher A. Welty                    IBM Watson Research Center
+1.914.784.7055                             19 Skyline Dr.                           Hawthorne, NY 10532

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 13:04:33 UTC