Re: CURIE proposal ...

Jos wrote:
> Therefore, I would suggest to adopt the following suggestions by Axel:
> > 1) We use UNQUOTED prefix:ncname to denote CURIEs which expand to QUOTED 
> > IRIs
>  > 4) For symbol space IRIs (i.e. IRIs after the ^^) we only allow eithr
>  > the unquoted prefix:ncname writing or the angle bracketted name.
> i.e.,
> mailto:chris = "http://....#chris"^^rif:iri = 
> "http://....#chris"^^http://.....#iri
> CURIES should *not* be allowed as the first part of a constant name, 
> i.e., my:curie^^rif:iri should not be allowed.

I really dislike this particular proposal. It appears to me as an ugly
hack.  In some contexts a macro would expand into just a concatenation and
in other contexts into a concatenation plus ^^rif:iri. Yuck!

I am more sympathetic to shortcuts where macro-expansion is well-defined.
For example, in unquoted contexts and inside <...> (which can be used as
a shortcut for urls). Then you can have
<mailto:cris> = "http://....#chris"^^rif:iri = "http://....#chris"^^http://.....#iri


Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2008 09:05:54 UTC