[BLD] ACTION-355: Update diagnram in BLD draft


in completion of my action-355 ("update diagram in BLD draft"), I 
updated the "Horn rule" section in the BLD draft, to align it with the 
new conceptual structure that we decided at F2F7. I did not have to 
change much, actually.

I made one small change to the diagram on which we agreed. Namely, I 
changed the name of the role of RULEs in a Ruleset from "formula" to 
"rule" (since the resolution was about the conceptual structure only and 
not about classes and roles names, I felt I was allowed to do that :-).

I did not edit the draft directly, but rather added the updated section 
as an alternative page [1].

Harold, Michael, you can copy it in place of the current "Horn rules" 
section after checking that it is correct.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Core/Horn_Rules_Alternative


Received on Monday, 8 October 2007 09:21:29 UTC