Re: [RIFRAF] ho to proceed? Part I: Ontologization

Attached you find the latest version of the proposed RIFRAF Base 
ontology (in OWL and as a protege project file)... more details follow 
in the next mail.


Axel Polleres wrote:
> Leora Morgenstern wrote:
>> I agree that to a certain extent the construction of the RIFRAF 
>> ontology depends on finalizing the core.
>> I think that an equally important prerequisite --- and one that we 
>> ought to be doing now ---- is going through the list of RIFRAF 
>> discriminators  and seeing if we can clear it up and flesh it out as 
>> much as possible.
> I see the discriminators more as a way for people to articulate 
> "features", maybe we should collect/stabilize the issues that we  have 
> collected so far (for a summary see the other mail:
> ) and focus to start with a small ontology bottom-up now.
>> Let me give two examples of the sort of clean-up/fleshing-out that I 
>> believe is necessary.
>> (1) In December, Harold Boley and I discussed some of the 
>> discriminators in Sections 1 and 2  of the RAF document, Syntactic and 
>> Syntactic-Entailing-Semantic Discriminators. It appeared from our 
>> discussion that the distinction between these categories was not 
>> always clear, and that perhaps these categories should be re-organized 
>> or restructured.  (Harold, please correct me if I am incorrect.)
>> In addition, it was not clear why certain syntactic features, but not 
>> others, were called out in the RAF document. For example,  why 
>> (Section 1.3) are Monotonic Lloyd-Topor Extensions specifically 
>> mentioned, as opposed to other types of syntactic sugars?
> Let me reformulate what I wanted to propose in the original mail:
>  I did a start on a straw core ontologization. What I'd need is people 
> to comment on the concepts and properties there, and tell me whther they 
> can formalize their discriminators with it/tell me whther this is a 
> valid starting point.
>  I am sure that only a small part of the discrinminators can be coevered 
> so far, but, as we get going we could get this forward in mutual 
> feedback iterations. (A timeplan of periodic iterations wouldn't be too 
> bad...)
>  This is certainly only one approach, but the one I suggest to get going.
>> (2) Section 5,  Discriminators for Event-Condition-Action (ECA) Rules. 
>> The discriminators listed here may not include all those that are of 
>> interest, and may not necessarily structure them in the best way. For 
>> example, the list for 5.2.7, "Which type of event specification is 
>> used in the language?" lists as the set of possible choices algebraic, 
>> linear temporal logic, event calculus, and other.  Linear temporal 
>> logic is an entirely different animal from the event calculus. A 
>> better structure might compare linear temporal logic with languages 
>> that have explicit notions of action and causation; this class of 
>> languages include situation calculus, fluent calculus, and event 
>> calculus, among many others. As another example, it may be useful to 
>> distinguish between languages that explictly mention time points 
>> and/or intervals from those that don't. This important concept, which 
>> one would expect to find in an ontology of ECA languages (and indeed, 
>> in an ontology of time), is not implicit in this set of discriminators.
> I agree that we don't yet have a clear picture of what "event" and 
> "action" etc. mean, i.e. what makes an event different from a condition, 
> is on a subclass of the other, etc. I would see this as the next 
> iteration step and see first how many discriminators we can cover with a 
> small bunch of concepts...
>> What all of this serves to underscore is that our job in ontologizing 
>> the RIFRAF is not merely to decide how to structure the discriminators 
>> that exist, but to try to collect as many possibly relevant 
>> discriminators as we can. How we proceed in this enterprise is 
>> something that we ought to discuss.
> My thought on how to structure it was really on top of a CORE 
> ontologization which we carefully extend.
> I think these two things should really be kept separate:
> 1) I "core ontology" of terms used to express features of rules, 
> rulesets, languages and systems.
> 2) Formalizations of the "discriminators" by means of these features.
> Opinions, comments, if you could have a look on the straw 
> owl file I posted, we could improve it.
> Sandro, can we use some W3c hosted server for subversioning or CVS for 
> this? (would make sense in my opinion), if somebody has better 
> experience in other tools than protege/CVS for collaboratively doing OWL 
> ... let me know!)
> axel
>> *Axel Polleres <>*
>> Sent by:
>> 01/22/2007 07:42 PM
>> Please respond to
>> axel
>> To
>>     W3C RIF WG <>
>> cc
>> Subject
>>     Re: [RIFRAF] ho to proceed? Part I: Ontologization
>>  > 1) First, I will try to get something towards ontologization out of 
>> the
>>  > whole core discussion, and raise some open questions there.
>> We agreed that several people take over parts of the ontologization
>> according to the sections of the questionnaire [3].
>>   Supposedly, an overall ontology on what is a rule, condition, head,
>> body, etc. would be a starting point for axiomatizing the
>> discruiminators mentioned there.
>> Thus, for giving it a start, I concentrated to modeling conditions and
>> what is currently in the core properly for the moment.
>>   I picked up a rudimentary attempt by Sandro [1] and started to
>> additionally "OWLify" what I found in the last core version [2].
>> Find the result as an attachment.
>> If you think this approach makes sense, we could maybe further develop
>> this jointly using subversioning or similar versioning software...
>> Just to demonstrate why I think this is a valid starting point for
>> defining axioms concerning discriminators in the current RIFRAF,
>> and in which direction this could go let's look at the following
>> question/discriminator from [3]:
>> "1.2 Predicate Variables Permitted vs. Not Permitted
>> Does your language allow predicate variables? [...]"
>> This could be "axiomatized" somewhat as follows using the basic
>> ontology started now by stating (I use some F-Logic-style syntax here,
>> just to get to the point, hope it is readable enough):
>> =======================================================================
>> % Axiomatizing 1.2 in the rifraf ontology:
>> % PredVarNotPermitted is a subclass of Language
>> predVarNotPermitted::Language.
>> % Define an  auxiliary predicate to "collect" recursively
>> % all "subConditions":
>> forall C, C1. C[hasCondition -> C1] implies C[hasSubCondition -> C1]
>> forall C. C[hasCondition -> C1[hasSubCondition -> C2] implies
>>             C[hasSubCondition -> C2]
>> % Finally the rule which disallows variales for the
>> % predVarNotPermitted languages:
>> forall L, R,C,F.
>> ( L:predVarNotPermitted and
>>    R[hasRecCondition->C:ComplexTerm[hasFunctor->F:Variable]]
>> )
>> implies
>> neg R[expressibleIn->L]
>> =======================================================================
>>   Main open issues are:
>> a) Well, this probably looks a lot like Sandro's attempts to make an
>> abstract syntax notation which is not surprising.
>> b) I came to some limits very quickly, e.g.
>>    How do I express that a parameter has at least one position or functor
>>    describing the argument-name. This can be done in OWL, but not in
>>    protege (without adding a new class). Likewise, I am unsure whether
>>    the 1.2 axiomatization above can be encoded in OWL properly.
>> c) Is this exercise useful or shall we wait until we have the core
>>     fixed before continuing?
>>     For instance: When we go further towards e.g. events, one has to ask
>>     him/herself for instance whether events are a subclass of "condition"
>>     or something different? How can I axiomatize in an extensible way
>>     that Core rule has no events in its body, etc.
>>     It seems to me that for expressing this, I need integrity constraints
>>     not expressible in OWL...
>> FWIW, I would like to discuss the general approach before continuing,
>> honestly.
>> best,
>> axel
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3.
>> -- 
>> Dr. Axel Polleres
>> email:  url:

Dr. Axel Polleres
email:  url:
; Wed Feb 21 10:19:11 CET 2007
;+ (version "3.2.1")
;+ (build "Build 365")

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([KB_307200_Instance_28] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl.NoClassesOrPropertiesInEnumerationsOWLDLTest"))

([KB_307200_Instance_29] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl.NoPropertiesWithClassAsRangeOWLDLTest"))

([KB_307200_Instance_30] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl.NoMetaclassOWLDLTest"))

([KB_307200_Instance_31] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl.NoSuperOrSubPropertiesOfAnnotationPropertiesTest"))

([KB_307200_Instance_32] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl.TransitivePropertiesCannotBeFunctionalOWLDLTest"))

([KB_307200_Instance_33] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.testing.owldl.NoCardiRestrictionOnTransitivePropertiesOWLDLTest"))

([KB_313796_Instance_852] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:AllDifferent")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_89])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_313796_Instance_943] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_665])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_444675_Instance_0] of  String

	(name "SwitchableClassDefinitionType")
	(string_value "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls.LogicClassDefinitionWidget"))

([KB_465546_Instance_567] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:ExternalResource")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_890])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_632156_Instance_0] of  String

	(string_value ""))

([KB_632156_Instance_3] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_632156_Instance_4] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_635552_Instance_0] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_1]))

([KB_635552_Instance_1] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_10] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_11]))

([KB_635552_Instance_11] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_12] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:priorVersion")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_13]))

([KB_635552_Instance_13] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_14] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_15]))

([KB_635552_Instance_15] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_16] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_17]))

([KB_635552_Instance_17] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_18] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_19]))

([KB_635552_Instance_19] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_2] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_3]))

([KB_635552_Instance_20] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:incompatibleWith")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_21]))

([KB_635552_Instance_21] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_22] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:backwardCompatibleWith")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_23])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_635552_Instance_23] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_632156_Instance_3]))

([KB_635552_Instance_24] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_25]))

([KB_635552_Instance_25] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_26] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_27]))

([KB_635552_Instance_27] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_28] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_29]))

([KB_635552_Instance_29] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_3] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_30] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_31]))

([KB_635552_Instance_31] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_32] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_33]))

([KB_635552_Instance_33] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_34] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_35]))

([KB_635552_Instance_35] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_4] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_5]))

([KB_635552_Instance_5] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_6] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_7]))

([KB_635552_Instance_7] of  Property_List

([KB_635552_Instance_8] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_635552_Instance_9]))

([KB_635552_Instance_9] of  Property_List

([KB_691299_Instance_398] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:DatatypeProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_56])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_691299_Instance_537] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:ObjectProperty")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_462])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_10] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_11])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_11] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_12] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_13] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_14] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_15])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_15] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_16] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_17] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_18] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_19])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_19] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_20] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_21] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_22] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_23] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_24] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_25] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_26])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_26] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_27] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_28]))

([KB_713803_Instance_28] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_29] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_30]))

([KB_713803_Instance_30] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_303] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:MaxCardinalityRestriction")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_348])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_31] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_32]))

([KB_713803_Instance_32] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_33] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_34]))

([KB_713803_Instance_34] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_348] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_349] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_350])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_35] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_36]))

([KB_713803_Instance_350] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_351] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_352])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_352] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_353] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_354] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_355] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_356])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_356] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_357] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_358] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_359] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_360])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_36] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_360] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_361] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_362] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_363] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_364] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_365] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_366] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_367])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_367] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_368] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_369]))

([KB_713803_Instance_369] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_37] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_38])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_370] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_371]))

([KB_713803_Instance_371] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_372] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_373]))

([KB_713803_Instance_373] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_374] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_375]))

([KB_713803_Instance_375] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_376] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_377]))

([KB_713803_Instance_377] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_378] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_379])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_379] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_38] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_380] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_381])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_381] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_382] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_383])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_383] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_384] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_385])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_385] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_386] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_387])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_387] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_388] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:valuesFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_389])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_389] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_390] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:MinCardinalityRestriction")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_435])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_41] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_42])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_42] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_435] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_436] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_437])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_437] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_438] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_439])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_439] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_440] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_441] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_442] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_443])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_443] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_444] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_445] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_446] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_447])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_447] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_448] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_449] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_45] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_46])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_450] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_451] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_452] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_453] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_454])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_454] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_455] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_456]))

([KB_713803_Instance_456] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_457] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_458]))

([KB_713803_Instance_458] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_459] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_460]))

([KB_713803_Instance_46] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_460] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_461] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_462]))

([KB_713803_Instance_462] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_463] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_464]))

([KB_713803_Instance_464] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_465] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_466])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_466] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_467] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_468])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_468] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_469] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_470])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_47] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_48])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_470] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_471] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_472])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_472] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_473] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_474])
	(width 0)
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	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_474] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_475] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:valuesFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_476])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_476] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_477] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:CardinalityRestriction")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_522])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_48] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_49] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_50])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_50] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_522] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_523] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_524])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_524] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_525] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_526])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_526] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_527] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_528] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_529] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_530])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_530] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_531] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_532] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_533] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_534])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_534] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_535] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_536] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_537] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_538] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_539] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_540] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_541])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_541] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_542] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_543]))

([KB_713803_Instance_543] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_544] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_545]))

([KB_713803_Instance_545] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_546] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_547]))

([KB_713803_Instance_547] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_548] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_549]))

([KB_713803_Instance_549] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_550] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_551]))

([KB_713803_Instance_551] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_552] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_553])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_553] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_554] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_555])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_555] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_556] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_557])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_557] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_558] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_559])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_559] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_560] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_561])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_561] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_562] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:valuesFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_563])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_563] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_648] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:ComplementClass")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_651])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_651] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_652] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_653])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_653] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_654] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_655])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_655] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_656] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_657] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_658] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_659])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_659] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_660] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_661] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_662] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_663])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_663] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_664] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_665] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_666] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_667] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_668] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_669] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_670])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_670] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_671] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_672]))

([KB_713803_Instance_672] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_673] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_674]))

([KB_713803_Instance_674] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_675] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_676]))

([KB_713803_Instance_676] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_677] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_678]))

([KB_713803_Instance_678] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_679] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_680]))

([KB_713803_Instance_680] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_681] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_682])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_682] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_683] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_684])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_684] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_685] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_686])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_686] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_687] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_688])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_688] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_689] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_690])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_690] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_691] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:complementOf")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_692])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_692] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_693] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:IntersectionClass")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_738])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_7] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_738] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_739] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_740])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_740] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_741] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_742])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_742] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_743] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_744] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_745] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_746])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_746] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_747] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_748] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_749] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_750])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_750] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_751] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_752] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_753] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_754] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_755] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_756] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_757])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_757] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_758] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_759]))

([KB_713803_Instance_759] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_760] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_761]))

([KB_713803_Instance_761] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_762] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_763]))

([KB_713803_Instance_763] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_764] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_765]))

([KB_713803_Instance_765] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_766] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_767]))

([KB_713803_Instance_767] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_768] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_769])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_769] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_770] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_771])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_771] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_772] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_773])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_773] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_774] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_775])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_775] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_776] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_777])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_777] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_778] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:intersectionOf")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_779])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_779] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_780] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:UnionClass")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_825])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_713803_Instance_8] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_9])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_825] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_826] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_827])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_827] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_828] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_829])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_829] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_830] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_831] of  Widget

	(height 114)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_713803_Instance_832] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_833])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_833] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_834] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_835] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_836] of  Widget

	(height 144)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_837])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_713803_Instance_837] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_838] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_713803_Instance_839] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_713803_Instance_840] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_713803_Instance_841] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_842] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([KB_713803_Instance_843] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_844])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 280)
	(x 280)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_844] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_845] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_846]))

([KB_713803_Instance_846] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_847] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_848]))

([KB_713803_Instance_848] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_849] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_850]))

([KB_713803_Instance_850] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_851] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_852]))

([KB_713803_Instance_852] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_853] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_854]))

([KB_713803_Instance_854] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_855] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_856])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_856] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_857] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_858])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_858] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_859] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_860] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_861] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_862])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_862] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_863] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_713803_Instance_864])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_713803_Instance_864] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_865] of  Widget

	(height 0)
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	(name "owl:unionOf")
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([KB_713803_Instance_866] of  Property_List

([KB_713803_Instance_9] of  Property_List


([KB_713803_Instance_980] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
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([KB_713803_Instance_981] of  Property_List

([KB_764103_Instance_545] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:Ontology")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_865583_Instance_10] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [KB_865583_Instance_11])
	(widget_class_name ""))

([KB_865583_Instance_11] of  Property_List

([KB_865583_Instance_12] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [KB_865583_Instance_13])
	(widget_class_name ""))

([KB_865583_Instance_13] of  Property_List

([KB_865583_Instance_4] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [KB_865583_Instance_5])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.queries_tab.QueriesTab"))

([KB_865583_Instance_5] of  Property_List

([KB_865583_Instance_6] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [KB_865583_Instance_7])
	(widget_class_name ""))

([KB_865583_Instance_7] of  Property_List

([KB_865583_Instance_8] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_865583_Instance_9])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormsTab"))

([KB_865583_Instance_9] of  Property_List

([KB_868747_Instance_76] of  Widget

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	(name "rdfs:Class")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_886778_Instance_12] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_144] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_886778_Instance_145] of  Widget

	(height 0)
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	(width 0)
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	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_146] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_149] of  Widget

	(property_list [KB_933314_Instance_58]))

([KB_886778_Instance_150] of  Widget

	(height 50)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
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	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 400)
	(y 190))

([KB_886778_Instance_152] of  Widget


([KB_886778_Instance_153] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_154] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_155] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_156] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_157] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_158] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_159] of  Widget


([KB_886778_Instance_160] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_161] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_59]))

([KB_886778_Instance_180] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_181] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_886778_Instance_182] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_886778_Instance_183] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_886778_Instance_184] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [KB_886778_Instance_185])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_886778_Instance_185] of  Property_List


([KB_886778_Instance_186] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_886778_Instance_187] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_886778_Instance_188] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_886778_Instance_189] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_886778_Instance_190] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_886778_Instance_191] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_886778_Instance_198] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_199] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_202] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_886778_Instance_203])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_203] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_206] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.HeaderWidget")
	(width 600)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_207] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_60]))

([KB_886778_Instance_208] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_886778_Instance_209] of  Property_List

([KB_886778_Instance_226] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_886778_Instance_227] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_933314_Instance_11] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_12] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_13] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_14] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_15] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_58] of  Property_List

([KB_933314_Instance_59] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_60] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_61] of  Property_List

([KB_933314_Instance_62] of  Property_List

([KB_933314_Instance_63] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_64] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_65] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_66] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_67] of  Property_List

([KB_933314_Instance_68] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_933314_Instance_69] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "DisabledByUser"))

([KB_938545_Instance_100] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
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	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_101] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_102] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_103] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_104] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_105] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_106] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_107] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_108] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
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	(width 0)
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	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_109] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_112] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_113])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_113] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_114] of  Widget

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	(name "protege:inferredType")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.HeaderWidget")
	(width 600)
	(x 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_115] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_66]))

([KB_938545_Instance_116] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_117])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_117] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_118] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
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([KB_938545_Instance_119] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_120] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
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([KB_938545_Instance_1206] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
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([KB_938545_Instance_1207] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_1208] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
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([KB_938545_Instance_1209] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_121] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_122] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
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([KB_938545_Instance_123] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_124] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
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([KB_938545_Instance_125] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_126] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
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([KB_938545_Instance_127] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_128] of  Widget

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	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
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	(width 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_129] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_130] of  Widget

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	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_131] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_132] of  Widget

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	(name "rdfs:range")
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	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
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	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_133] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_134] of  Widget

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	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
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	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 400)
	(y 190))

([KB_938545_Instance_135] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_14] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_140] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
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([KB_938545_Instance_141] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_142] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
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([KB_938545_Instance_143] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_144] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
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	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_145] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_148] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_149] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_15] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_152] of  Widget

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	(width 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_153] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_156] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_157])
	(width 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_157] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_158] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
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([KB_938545_Instance_159] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_160] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
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([KB_938545_Instance_161] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_162] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_163] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_164] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_165] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_166] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_18] of  Widget

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	(width 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_19] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_22] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_23] of  Widget

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	(widget_class_name "")
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([KB_938545_Instance_24] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_249] of  Property_List

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([KB_938545_Instance_250] of  Widget

	(height 0)
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	(width 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_251] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_252] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_256] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_257] of  Widget

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	(width 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_258] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_259] of  Widget

	(height 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_260] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_261] of  Widget

	(height 0)
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([KB_938545_Instance_262] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_263] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_264] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_265] of  Property_List

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([KB_938545_Instance_27] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_288] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_289] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_290] of  Property_List

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([KB_938545_Instance_291] of  String

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	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_292] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_293] of  Widget

	(height 220)
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([KB_938545_Instance_294] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_295] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_296] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_297] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_298] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_299] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_300] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_301] of  Widget

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	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
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([KB_938545_Instance_302] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_305] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_306] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_307] of  Widget

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	(width 600)
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([KB_938545_Instance_308] of  Property_List

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([KB_938545_Instance_309] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_310] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_311] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_312] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_313] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_314] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_315] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_316] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_317] of  Widget

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([KB_938545_Instance_318] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_319] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_320]))

([KB_938545_Instance_320] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_321] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_322])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_322] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_323] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_324])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_324] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_325] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_326])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_326] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_327] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_328])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_328] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_329] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:FunctionalProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_332])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_938545_Instance_332] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_333] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_334])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_334] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_335] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_339] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_340] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_341])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_341] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_342] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_343])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_343] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_344] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_345])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_345] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_346] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_347] of  Widget

	(height 173)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_348])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.RDFPropertyMetadataWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_348] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_349] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_350])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_350] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_351] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_352] of  Widget

	(height 107)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_938545_Instance_353] of  Widget

	(height 138)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_354])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 27))

([KB_938545_Instance_354] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_355] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_356] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_357] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_358])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_358] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_359] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_360] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_361] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_362])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_362] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_363] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_364] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_365] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_366])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_366] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_367] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_368] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_371] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_372])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_372] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_373] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_374] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_375] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_376] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_377])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_377] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_378] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_379] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_380] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_381] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_382] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_383] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_384] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_385])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_385] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_388] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_389])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_389] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_390] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_391])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 300)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_391] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_392] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_393])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_393] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_394] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_395]))

([KB_938545_Instance_395] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_396] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_397]))

([KB_938545_Instance_397] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_398] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_399]))

([KB_938545_Instance_399] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_400] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_401]))

([KB_938545_Instance_401] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_402] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_403]))

([KB_938545_Instance_403] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_404] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_405])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_405] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_406] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_407])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_407] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_408] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_409])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_409] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_410] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_411])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_411] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_412] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:InverseFunctionalProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_415])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_938545_Instance_415] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_416] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_417])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_417] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_418] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_422] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_423] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_424])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_424] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_425] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_426])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_426] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_427] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_428])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_428] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_429] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_430] of  Widget

	(height 173)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_431])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.RDFPropertyMetadataWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_431] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_432] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_433])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_433] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_434] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_435] of  Widget

	(height 107)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_938545_Instance_436] of  Widget

	(height 138)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_437])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 27))

([KB_938545_Instance_437] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_438] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_439] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_440] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_441])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_441] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_442] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_443] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_444] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_445])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_445] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_446] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_447] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_448] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_449])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_449] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_450] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_451] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_454] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_455])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_455] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_456] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_457] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_458] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_459] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_460])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_460] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_461] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_462] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_463] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_464] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_465] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_466] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_467] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_468])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_468] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_471] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_472])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_472] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_473] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_474])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 300)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_474] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_475] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_476])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_476] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_477] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_478]))

([KB_938545_Instance_478] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_479] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_480]))

([KB_938545_Instance_480] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_481] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_482]))

([KB_938545_Instance_482] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_483] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_484]))

([KB_938545_Instance_484] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_485] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_486]))

([KB_938545_Instance_486] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_487] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_488])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_488] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_489] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_490])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_490] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_491] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_492])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_492] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_493] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_494])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_494] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_495] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:SymmetricProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_498])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_938545_Instance_498] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_499] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_500])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_500] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_501] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_505] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_506] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_507])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_507] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_508] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_509])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_509] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_510] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_511])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_511] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_512] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_513] of  Widget

	(height 173)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_514])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.RDFPropertyMetadataWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_514] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_515] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_516])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_516] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_517] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_518] of  Widget

	(height 107)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_938545_Instance_519] of  Widget

	(height 138)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_520])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 27))

([KB_938545_Instance_520] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_521] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_522] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_523] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_524])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_524] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_525] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_526] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_527] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_528])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_528] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_529] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_530] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_531] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_532])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_532] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_533] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_534] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_537] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_538])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_538] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_539] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_540] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_541] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_542] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_543])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_543] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_544] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_545] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_546] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_547] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_548] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_549] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_550] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_551])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_551] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_554] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_555])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_555] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_556] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_557])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 300)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_557] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_558] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_559])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_559] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_56] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_560] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_561]))

([KB_938545_Instance_561] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_562] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_563]))

([KB_938545_Instance_563] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_564] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_565]))

([KB_938545_Instance_565] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_566] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_567]))

([KB_938545_Instance_567] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_568] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_569]))

([KB_938545_Instance_569] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_57] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_58])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_570] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_571])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_571] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_572] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_573])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_573] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_574] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_575])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_575] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_576] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_577])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_577] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_578] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:TransitiveProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_581])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_938545_Instance_58] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_581] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_582] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_583])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_583] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_584] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_588] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_589] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_590])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_59] of  Widget

	(property_list [KB_933314_Instance_61]))

([KB_938545_Instance_590] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_591] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_592])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_592] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_593] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_594])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_594] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_595] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_596] of  Widget

	(height 173)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_597])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.RDFPropertyMetadataWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_597] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_598] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_599])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_599] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_600] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_601] of  Widget

	(height 107)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_938545_Instance_602] of  Widget

	(height 138)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_603])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 27))

([KB_938545_Instance_603] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_604] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_605] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_606] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
	(name "owl:sameAs")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_607])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_607] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_608] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_609] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_610] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
	(name "owl:differentFrom")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_611])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_611] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_612] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_613] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_614] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_615])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_615] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_616] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_617] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_620] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_621])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_621] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_622] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_623] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_624] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_625] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_626])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_626] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_627] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_628] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_629] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_63] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_630] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_631] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_632] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_633] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_634])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_634] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_637] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_638])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_638] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_639] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_640])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 300)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_64] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_65])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_640] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_641] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_642])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_642] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_643] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_644]))

([KB_938545_Instance_644] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_645] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_646]))

([KB_938545_Instance_646] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_647] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_648]))

([KB_938545_Instance_648] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_649] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_650]))

([KB_938545_Instance_65] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_650] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_651] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_652]))

([KB_938545_Instance_652] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_653] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_654])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_654] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_655] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_656])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_656] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_657] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_658])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_658] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_659] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_660])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_66] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_67])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_660] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_661] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:DeprecatedProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_664])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget"))

([KB_938545_Instance_664] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_665] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_666])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_666] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_667] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_67] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_671] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_672] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_673])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_673] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_674] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_675])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_675] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_676] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_677] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_678] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_679] of  Widget

	(height 173)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_680])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.RDFPropertyMetadataWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_68] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_680] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_681] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_682])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_682] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_683] of  Widget

	(height 30)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_684] of  Widget

	(height 107)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Comment")
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 0)
	(y 30))

([KB_938545_Instance_685] of  Widget

	(height 138)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_686])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 266)
	(x 7)
	(y 27))

([KB_938545_Instance_686] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_687] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_688] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_689] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:sameAs")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_69] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_690] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_691] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_692] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_693] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:differentFrom")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_694] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_695] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_696] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_697] of  Widget

	(height 137)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "owl:equivalentProperty")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 286)
	(x 7)
	(y 28))

([KB_938545_Instance_698] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_699] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View References to Value  "))

([KB_938545_Instance_70] of  Widget


([KB_938545_Instance_700] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_703] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_704] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_705] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_706] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_707] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_708] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_709])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_709] of  Property_List


([KB_938545_Instance_71] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_710] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_711] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([KB_938545_Instance_712] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([KB_938545_Instance_713] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([KB_938545_Instance_714] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([KB_938545_Instance_715] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([KB_938545_Instance_716] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_717])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_717] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_72] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_65]))

([KB_938545_Instance_720] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
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	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_721] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_722] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_723])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 300)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_723] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_724] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_725])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_725] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_726] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_727]))

([KB_938545_Instance_727] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_728] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_729]))

([KB_938545_Instance_729] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_730] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_731]))

([KB_938545_Instance_731] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_732] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_733]))

([KB_938545_Instance_733] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_734] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_735]))

([KB_938545_Instance_735] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_736] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:domain")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_737])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_737] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_738] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentProperty")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_739])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_739] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_740] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:range")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_741])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 170))

([KB_938545_Instance_741] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_742] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_743])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_743] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_744] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_745]))

([KB_938545_Instance_745] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_8] of  Widget

	(height 230)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:imports")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_9])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadatatab.OWLNamespacesWidget")
	(width 620)
	(x 0)
	(y 290))

([KB_938545_Instance_9] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_95] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_96])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_938545_Instance_96] of  Property_List

([KB_938545_Instance_97] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([KB_938545_Instance_98] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_938545_Instance_99] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([KB_941921_Instance_10] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentClass")
	(property_list [KB_941921_Instance_11])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_941921_Instance_11] of  Property_List

([KB_941921_Instance_14] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:subClassOf")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.RDFSSubClassOfWidget")
	(width 210)
	(x 0)
	(y 160))

([KB_941921_Instance_15] of  Property_List

([KB_941921_Instance_2] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:equivalentClass")
	(property_list [KB_941921_Instance_3])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_941921_Instance_3] of  Property_List

([KB_941921_Instance_6] of  Widget

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	(name "rdfs:subClassOf")
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	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([KB_941921_Instance_7] of  Property_List

([KB_952366_Instance_0] of  String

	(name "owl_file_name")
	(string_value "rifraf20070221.owl"))

([OWL_ProjectKB_Instance_3] of  Integer

	(integer_value 365)
	(name "owl_build"))

([PAL_FORM_WIDGET] of  Widget

	(height 476)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_922])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget")
	(width 603)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([PROJECT] of  Project

	(browser_slot_names [BROWSER_SLOT_NAMES])
	(default_cls_metaclass "owl:Class")
	(default_facet_metaclass ":STANDARD-FACET")
	(default_instance_widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.OWLFormWidget")
	(default_slot_metaclass "owl:ObjectProperty")
	(journaling_enabled FALSE)
	(next_frame_number 0)
	(options [Instance_48])
	(sources [SOURCES])

([rifraf20070122_ProjectKB_Instance_114] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "OWL-Prose"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_0] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_1])
	(widget_class_name "TGViztab.TGVizTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_1] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_10] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_11])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.psm.PSMTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_11] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_12] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_13])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.changes.ChangesTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_13] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_14] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
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	(widget_class_name "ezpal.EZPalTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_15] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_16] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_17])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.fctab.FacetConstraintsTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_17] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_18] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_19])
	(widget_class_name ""))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_19] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_2] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_3])
	(widget_class_name "dfki.protege.ontoviz_tab.OntovizTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_20] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_21])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.prompt.PromptTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_21] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_22] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_23])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.ProtegePropertiesTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_23] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_24] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_25])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.widget.pal.PalConstraintsTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_25] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_26] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_27])
	(widget_class_name "DataGenieTab.DataGenieTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_27] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_28] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_29])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.instance_tree.KnowledgeTreeTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_29] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_3] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_30] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_31])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.instance_tree.InstanceTreeTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_31] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_32] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_33])
	(widget_class_name "se.liu.ida.JessTab.JessTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_33] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_34] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_35])
	(widget_class_name "ca.uvic.csr.shrimp.jambalaya.JambalayaTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_35] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_36] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_37])
	(widget_class_name "org.algernon.kb.okbc.protege.plugins.AlgernonTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_37] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_38] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_39])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.widget.pal.PalQueriesTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_39] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_4] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
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	(widget_class_name "script.ProtegeScriptTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_40] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_41])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.RemoteKBTab.UMLSTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_41] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_42] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_43])
	(widget_class_name ""))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_43] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_44] of  String

	(name "owl:Class")
	(string_value "%3ANAME"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_45] of  String

	(string_value "%3AANNOTATION-TEXT"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_46] of  String

	(string_value "%3APAL-NAME"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_47] of  String

	(name "owl:Thing")
	(string_value "%3ANAME"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_48] of  String

	(name ":META-CLASS")
	(string_value "%3ANAME"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_5] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_6] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_7])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.keywordsearch.StringSearch"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_7] of  Property_List

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_8] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(property_list [rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_9])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.RemoteKBTab.WordNetTab"))

([rifraf20070221_ProjectKB_Instance_9] of  Property_List

([SLOTS_TAB] of  Widget

	(is_hidden TRUE)
	(label "Slots")
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	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.SlotsTab"))

([SOURCES] of  Property_List



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	(property_list [XY_Instance_587])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.FormWidget"))


	(name ":STANDARD-SLOT")
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([XY_Instance_0] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_1] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_1001] of  Widget

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([XY_Instance_1002] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1003] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
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([XY_Instance_1004] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1005] of  Widget

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([XY_Instance_1006] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1015] of  Widget

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([XY_Instance_1016] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_104] of  Property_List

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([XY_Instance_105] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_106] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_1063] of  Property_List

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([XY_Instance_1064] of  Widget

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([XY_Instance_1065] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1066] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_1067] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_1068] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_1069] of  Widget

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([XY_Instance_1070] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1071] of  Widget

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	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceNameWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_1072] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Role")
	(name ":ROLE")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.RoleWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 60))

([XY_Instance_1073] of  Widget

	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE"))

([XY_Instance_1074] of  Widget

	(height 150)
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	(width 600)
	(x 0)
	(y 120))

([XY_Instance_1075] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_1076] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View selected properties"))

([XY_Instance_1077] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View selected properties at class"))

([XY_Instance_1078] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create property and attach to class"))

([XY_Instance_1079] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove overrides from selected properties"))

([XY_Instance_1080] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_1081] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_1082] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Move up"))

([XY_Instance_1083] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Move down"))

([XY_Instance_1084] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View selected slots"))

([XY_Instance_1085] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View selected slots at class"))

([XY_Instance_1086] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create slot and attach to class"))

([XY_Instance_1087] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove overrides from selected slots"))

([XY_Instance_1088] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")
	(properties [XY_Instance_1089]))

([XY_Instance_1089] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value ":DIRECT-TEMPLATE-SLOTS"))

([XY_Instance_1092] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
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	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_1093] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1096] of  Widget

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	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
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	(width 0)
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([XY_Instance_1097] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1098] of  Widget

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	(width 0)
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	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_1099] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_1100] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_1101])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_1101] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_117] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_118])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_118] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_195] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_2] of  Widget

	(name ":CREATOR"))

([XY_Instance_200] of  Widget

	(height 57)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_201])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadatatab.OntologyURIWidget")
	(width 620)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_201] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_210] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_211] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_212] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "owl:imports"))

([XY_Instance_217] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_218])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_218] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_235] of  Widget

	(height 230)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_236])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.HeaderWidget")
	(width 620)
	(x 0)
	(y 60))

([XY_Instance_236] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_632156_Instance_4]))

([XY_Instance_3] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_4] of  Widget

	(height 100)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.YellowStickyWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_409] of  Property_List

	(name "class widget properties")

([XY_Instance_410] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Constraints")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_411])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_411] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_412] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_413] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_422] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_423])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_423] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_13]))

([XY_Instance_424] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Role")
	(name ":ROLE")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_425])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_425] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_426] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_886778_Instance_12])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_427] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(label "OWL Properties")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_428])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.RDFPropertiesWidget")
	(width 350)
	(x 210)
	(y 160))

([XY_Instance_428] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_429] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_430] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_431] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_440] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_441])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_441] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_460] of  Widget

	(height 160)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_461])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.HeaderWidget")
	(width 560)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_461] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_14]))

([XY_Instance_462] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([XY_Instance_463] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Cardinality")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_464])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_464] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_467] of  Widget

	(property_list [KB_933314_Instance_62]))

([XY_Instance_468] of  Widget

	(height 110)
	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_165])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 400)
	(y 190))

([XY_Instance_470] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_471] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_472])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_472] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_473] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Maximum")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_474])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_474] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_475] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Minimum")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_476])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_476] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_477] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_478] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_479])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_479] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_64]))

([XY_Instance_482] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Range Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(property_list [KB_938545_Instance_164])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_483] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_484] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_485] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_486] of  Widget

	(height 220)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Domain")
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_487])
	(widget_class_name "")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 170))

([XY_Instance_487] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_488] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_489] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([XY_Instance_490] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([XY_Instance_491] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_492] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_493] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_520] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_521])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_521] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_526] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_527])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_527] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_538] of  Widget

	(height 170)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_539])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.HeaderWidget")
	(width 600)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_539] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_63]))

([XY_Instance_540] of  Property_List

	(name "class widget properties")

([XY_Instance_541] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Constraints")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_542])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_542] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_543] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_544] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_545] of  Widget

	(height 500)
	(label "Definition")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_546])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.cls.ClassAnnotationsAndDescriptionWidget")
	(width 660)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_546] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_100699_Instance_0]))

([XY_Instance_547] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_548])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_548] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_15]))

([XY_Instance_549] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "Role")
	(name ":ROLE")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_550])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_550] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_551] of  Widget

	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE"))

([XY_Instance_552] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(label "OWL Properties")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_553])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_553] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_554] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_555] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_556] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_575] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_576])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_576] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_585] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_586])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_586] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_587] of  Property_List

	(name "facet widget properties")

([XY_Instance_588] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceNameWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_589] of  Widget

	(height 120)
	(label "Documentation")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.DocumentationWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_590] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Associated Property")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceFieldWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 60))

([XY_Instance_665] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_666] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_667])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_667] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_668] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_669])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_669] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_670] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_671])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_671] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_672] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_673])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_673] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_674] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_675])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_675] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_676] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":OWL-SAME-AS")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_677])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_677] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_678] of  Widget

	(height 160)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_679])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.AnnotationsWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 300)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_679] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_680] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_681] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_682] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_683] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":TO")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_684]))

([XY_Instance_684] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_685] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":FROM")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_686]))

([XY_Instance_686] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_687] of  Widget

	(height 160)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_688])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.metadata.OWLMetadataWidget")
	(width 300)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_688] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_689] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:member")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_690])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_690] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_691] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdf:value")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_692])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_692] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_693] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_694])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_694] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_725] of  Property_List

	(name "slot widget properties")

([XY_Instance_728] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_729] of  Widget

	(name ":DIRECT-TYPE"))

([XY_Instance_730] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_731] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_732] of  Widget

	(height 150)
	(label "Default")
	(name ":SLOT-DEFAULTS")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_733])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.DefaultValuesWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 400)
	(y 120))

([XY_Instance_733] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_734] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View the selected value"))

([XY_Instance_735] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create a new value"))

([XY_Instance_736] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_737] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_738] of  Widget

	(height 120)
	(label "Documentation")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.DocumentationWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_739] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Maximum")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.NumericMaximumWidget")
	(width 100)
	(x 100)
	(y 210))

([XY_Instance_740] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Minimum")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.NumericMinimumWidget")
	(width 100)
	(x 0)
	(y 210))

([XY_Instance_741] of  Widget


([XY_Instance_742] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceNameWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_743] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(label "Inverse")
	(name ":SLOT-INVERSE")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InverseSlotWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 200)
	(y 210))

([XY_Instance_744] of  Widget

	(height 150)
	(label "Value Type")
	(name ":SLOT-VALUE-TYPE")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.ValueTypeWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 60))

([XY_Instance_745] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties"))

([XY_Instance_746] of  Widget

	(height 120)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":DIRECT-DOMAIN")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_747])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceListWidget")
	(width 250)
	(x 0)
	(y 270))

([XY_Instance_747] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_748] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_749] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([XY_Instance_750] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([XY_Instance_751] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_752] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_753] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_754] of  Widget

	(height 120)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(property_list [XY_Instance_755])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceListWidget")
	(width 250)
	(x 0)
	(y 630))

([XY_Instance_755] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_756] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_757] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([XY_Instance_758] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([XY_Instance_759] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_760] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_761] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_762] of  Widget

	(height 240)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":OWL-SAME-AS")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_763])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceListWidget")
	(width 250)
	(x 250)
	(y 510))

([XY_Instance_763] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_764] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_765] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([XY_Instance_766] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([XY_Instance_767] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_768] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_769] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_770] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_771]))

([XY_Instance_771] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_772] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_773]))

([XY_Instance_773] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_774] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":TO")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_775]))

([XY_Instance_775] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_776] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_777]))

([XY_Instance_777] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_778] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_779]))

([XY_Instance_779] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_780] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":FROM")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_781]))

([XY_Instance_781] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_782] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name ":SLOT-VALUES")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_783]))

([XY_Instance_783] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_784] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_789] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_790])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_790] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_12]))

([XY_Instance_799] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_800] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_801] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<none>>"))

([XY_Instance_812] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_813])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.HeaderWidget")
	(width 550)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_813] of  Property_List

	(properties [KB_933314_Instance_11]))

([XY_Instance_89] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_890] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_893] of  Widget

	(height 260)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_894])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ui.widget.ExternalResourceURLWidget")
	(width 340)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_894] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_897] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_898] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value ":OWL-RESOURCE-URI"))

([XY_Instance_899] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value ":OWL-RESOURCE-URI"))

([XY_Instance_90] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_91])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_900] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Resource URI")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_901])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_901] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_906] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:seeAlso")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_907]))

([XY_Instance_907] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_91] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_910] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_911]))

([XY_Instance_911] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_912] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_913]))

([XY_Instance_913] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_914] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:comment")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_915]))

([XY_Instance_915] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_916] of  Widget

	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:isDefinedBy")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_917]))

([XY_Instance_917] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_920] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_921])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_921] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_922] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_923] of  Widget

	(height 60)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":PAL-NAME")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.TextFieldWidget")
	(width 275)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_924] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Range")
	(name ":PAL-RANGE")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.widget.pal.constraint.PalRangeWidget")
	(width 250)
	(x 275)
	(y 180))

([XY_Instance_925] of  Widget

	(height 180)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Description")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.TextAreaWidget")
	(width 250)
	(x 275)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_926] of  Widget

	(height 300)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Statement")
	(name ":PAL-STATEMENT")
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.widget.pal.constraint.PalConstraintWidget")
	(width 275)
	(x 0)
	(y 60))

([XY_Instance_927] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_930] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_931])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_931] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_936] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_937] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_938] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_94] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_95])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_95] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_96] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "rdfs:label")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_97])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_967] of  Widget

	(height 120)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "protege:inferredType")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_968])
	(widget_class_name "edu.stanford.smi.protege.widget.InstanceListWidget")
	(width 200)
	(x 0)
	(y 280))

([XY_Instance_968] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_969] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-View Selected Instance"))

([XY_Instance_97] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_970] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Create Instance"))

([XY_Instance_971] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-References"))

([XY_Instance_972] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Add"))

([XY_Instance_973] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value TRUE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Remove"))

([XY_Instance_974] of  Boolean

	(boolean_value FALSE)
	(name "ButtonDisplayed-Delete Selected Instances"))

([XY_Instance_975] of  Property_List


([XY_Instance_978] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(label "Name")
	(name ":NAME")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_979])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_979] of  Property_List

([XY_Instance_98] of  Widget

	(height 0)
	(is_hidden FALSE)
	(name "owl:versionInfo")
	(property_list [XY_Instance_99])
	(width 0)
	(x 0)
	(y 0))

([XY_Instance_984] of  Property_List

	(name "layout properties")

([XY_Instance_985] of  String

	(name "horizontal_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_986] of  String

	(name "vertical_stretcher")
	(string_value "<<all>>"))

([XY_Instance_99] of  Property_List

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 09:26:20 UTC