Re: [TED] The sutructure of the Core document

> - Section 2: Abstract syntax and semantics
>    * 2.1 Core rules: the abstract syntax, BNF and semantics for Core rules
>    * 2.2 Core Condition Language: the abstract syntax, BNF and semantics 
> for the Core Condition Language
> (I would prefer to have rules introduced before the condition language; 
> the problem is that we would have a forward reference when specifying 
> the semantics of rules; or maybe we could separate the semantics in a 
> third subsection?)

the forward references in the semantics are there only because this is
draft 0.1. The structure of the doc hasn't been determined yet and so
formal specs are interspersed with motivation and architectural remarks.

Note that if rules will be there before conditions then you would have
forward references to conditions in the syntax AND semantics.


Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2007 15:57:59 UTC