Re: an idea -- using different literal classes for each datatype

Dave Reynolds <> writes:
> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> > I just had another idea ...
> >              subclass Literal_int
> >                  property intValue: xs:int
> > I like how this makes the ASN a more complete description of the
> > dialect.  It's very XML-happy, I think -- a schema processor will get
> > the right types for everything.
> > 
> > Not using rdf:datatype makes things a bit harder for RDF folks,
> This seems to mean to you have to extend the RIF abstract (and thus 
> concrete) syntax to add in a new datatype. Whereas in RDF and OWL no 
> language change was needed to support a greater range of XSD types than 
> the minimum. This strikes me as a desirable and successful feature which 
> it would preferable if RIF could emulate.

The issue here is how many extensibility points there are.  I am kind of
liking the idea of having exactly one: every dialect has a different
syntax, and the inputs/outputs you process can be completely summed up
by naming which dialects you process.  If a system implements BLD and
also the datatype xs:double, then we just say it handles a new dialect
(which, somewhere, is defined to be BLD along with an xs:double
subclass, as above.)

Extensibility is about being able to feed a RIF document in dialect D1
to a processor that can only handle dialect D2.  We want non-conflicting
syntaxes, so if the document is in the intersection of D1 and D2, it can
simply be read as being in D2, and we also need some way to do a managed
fallback if the document uses bits of D1 that are not in D2.  Whatever
this fallback mechanism is, I like the idea of being able to apply it to
datatypes (and builtins, and any other areas where implementation
profiles might differ).

It's hard to actually make this kind of decision without experience with
that fallback mechanism.

> > but I'm
> > not sure the semantics of rdf:datatype were right anyway. 
> ??
> > Honestly, I
> > have no idea if, in RIF, "p(1)" is supposed to be conveyed they same as
> > "p(0x01)" -- that is, is the argument supposed to be the integer one, or
> > is it supposed to be some string with an associated datatype.  
> The argument is a typed literal which comprises a lexical form (the 
> string) and a datatype URI, which together denote a value determined by 
> the lex->value mapping associated with the datatype.

I think I agree that's what the argument should be in a RIF translation
of "p(1)".  The question is how you convey that thing (the typed literal
which comprisses a lexical form and a datatype URI) in XML.

The straightforward but verbose answer is:

     <TypedLiteral>      <!-- style 1 -->

I don't really know how to do it using rdf:datatype.   In one version I
did it like this:

         <value rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">1</value>

but even aside from the weirdness of "value", I think the semantics are
subtly wrong.   Eh...   Maybe it's too subtle for me.   Somehow the
level of quoting, and access to the syntax seems wrong.

It seems to me that 

(perhaps with a redundant Literal_int wrapper, a subclass of
TypedLiteral) has essentially the same semantics as you state, but is
much more xml-friendly than style-1 example above.

    -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2007 17:37:02 UTC