RE: [RIF] homework for 10/17 telecon

> > How can you reconstruct, e.g., the destination SWRL atom
> > 
> >    customer( I-variable(sCart) I-variable(cust))
> > 
> > from the following concjunction of three atoms
> > 
> >    ShoppingCart( sCart) & Customer( cust) & customer( sCart, cust)
> > 
> > in a language where monadic predicates do not necessarily express 
> > types?
> I don't know. Thanks for the example. I hope to study it further.
> I'm also interested to study XML syntax designs that meet
> these typing requirements. If anyone has already sketched
> one, I'd appreciate a pointer.

Please have a look at the XML Schema of our REWERSE Rule Markup
Language (R2ML) at

R2ML can be viewed as an integration of UML/OCL with RDF/OWL/SWRL,
or as an extension of the Datalog-style language SWRL by adding 
the concepts of property functions, user-defined functions and 
datatype (or built-in) functions and by adding the concept of
n-ary association atoms.


Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 19:18:41 UTC