Re: [TED] Slides of F2F4 Breakout on Abstract Syntax and Semantics: Slots & Constraints

Boley, Harold wrote:
> Please find attached the slides (both pdf and ppt versions) of our
> F2F4 Breakout on Abstract Syntax and Semantics: Slots & Constraints,
> updated on the basis of the plenary debrief yesterday.
> -- Harold


Just a side comment, not related to the main content of the proposal, 
but it's not clear to me why you argue that keyed-slots are particularly 
motivated by RDF. I can see that slots are motivated by Object models, 
and required by the charter, so this is not an argument against 
including them. However, we have enough problems helping people 
understand that RDF is not an object model that I'd like to avoid mixed 
messages on that, it might be simplest to drop that motivation from any 
external documents.


Received on Monday, 6 November 2006 21:29:08 UTC