Re: [UCR] RIF needs different reasoning methods

Dear Sandro,

You wrote:
> My sense of your overall message is that you want distributed
> programming instead of distributed knowledge representation.  Is that
> about right?
I doubt this is right. I do not understand why distributed programming
is now mentioned.
>> Does the RIF (or the W3C) intend to ignore these distinctions?
> FWIW, the full and complete official statement of W3C intent is the
> charter.
> It might be good to compare what you're thinking with what it says.
All what I, and as I understand Gerd, suggest, is that the RIF should
make it possible to attach annotations to rulesets stating: "this
ruleset contains only deduction rules", or "this ruleset contains
normative rules", or"this rule set contains only reactive rules". Would
such annotations contradict the charter?



Received on Friday, 10 March 2006 16:09:47 UTC