AGENDA 24 Jan RIF Telecon 1600 UTC

AGENDA Teleconference
W3C Rules Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group
24 January 2005, 1600 UTC
0800 (West US)
1100 (East US)
1600 (London)
1700 (Paris),
Duration: 90 min

Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 conference code 74394# ('RIFWG')
IRC Chat: (port 6665), #rif
Web-based IRC (member-only): []
Meeting Wiki: []


Chair: Chris Welty
Scribe: Benjamin Grosof (first alternate: Bijan Parsia )
See Scribes List []

Please note that RIF WG telecons are for for attendance
only by Working Group Participants and guests invited
by the chairs.

1. ADMIN (10 min)

Roll call (please read before telecon the following)
RIF Regrets Policy:
Using Zakim:
Telecon Etiquette:

Next Meeting: 31 January

PROPOSED: accept minutes of last meeting

Agenda amendments

2. Liaison (10 min)

ACTION: csma to ask ISO whether liaison is worthwhile for ISO IEC
Joint Task Force 1, SC 32, Working Group 2: Metadata Standards US
national body is ANSI L8 might be interesting for liaison. See

Review active liaisons:
SPARQL (W3C) - Enrico Franconi
XQuery, XPath (W3C) - Massimo Marchiori
Common Logic (ISO) - Bill Andersen & Chris Menzel
PRR (OMG) - Paul Vincent
SBVR (OMG) - Donald Chapin
ODM (OMG) - Elisa Kendall

3. Use Case & Requirements (40 min)

Wiki Page:
Wiki draft:

Discussion (Allen & David)

ACTION: Allen to add a link to the current use case working draft from
the main Use Case page at the top [DONE]

ACTION: Paula will provide a detailed scenario for .... (missed the
name of the use case)" and will contact Benjamin about it [DONE]

ACTION: Allen to move the "importing rules to check data compliance" use
case to the general interchange use case
ACTION: Said to start the discussion about a general use case for rule
systems that support business communication about rules & regulations on
the mailing list.
ACTION: Christian to send an email to announce the one week deadline for
reviewing edited general use cases.
ACTION: Ian Horrocks to write scenario for RichKR including ‘features’
ACTION: Chris Welty will come up with another example narrative for a
RichKR use case
ACTION: Christian will propose another scenario for the publication use
ACTION: Paul Vincent will do the detailed scenario for "Interoperability
between rule engines"
ACTION: Frank will do the scenarios for information integration with Ed
Barkmeyer assisting
ACTION: Leora will do the Decision Support detailed scenario

4. OWL & RDF Compatibility (15 min)

Wiki pages
Recent email threads:
b-node semantics:

ACTION: Christian will start an email discussion on "What part of the
RIF vs. OWL/RDF Compatibility belongs to RIF and what part belong to

5. Classification (10 min)

ACTION: chris clarify desiderata for list of classifications
ACTION: Chris Classifications draft Jan 31

Wiki page

6. AOB (5 min)

Received on Monday, 23 January 2006 16:23:54 UTC