Work on JRules abstract grammar


I would like to mention briefly an exercise that I did at ILOG with the
aim of trying to describe the ILOG Rules Language (IRL) used by ILOG
JRules. We think that such an exercise may be of interest for the rest
of the RIF Working Group.  The exercise consists simply in using
XML/RDF/RDFS/OWL/PRR to represent as faithfully as possible a subset of IRL

We found that this work has helped us get a better idea of the important
features of our language that we expect to be covered by RIF for PhaseI,
and the way we could see them expressed in a RIF.

It would perhaps be beneficial if others in the WG did (or have done)
the same sort of exercise with their own system or language. Then,
comparing/contrasting our homeworks might give us a concrete base to
lead us to an actual RIF.

If the rest of the WG is interested, I would be glad to share what I did
with the group. See the attached document for some more details.

Best regards,


Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 09:18:09 UTC