RE: [UCR] Coverage

I agree that there should be an additional use case around the use of
RDF. Perhaps there should also be a similar use case around OWL; or the
use of OWL could be integrated in the use case.
I suppose this use case could then subsume the Rich Knowledge
Representation use case, which could then be removed. I guess this would
take away most of Jim's comments on the Rich Knowledge Representation
use case (with which I agree).

Best, Jos

On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 12:40 -0500, Ginsberg, Allen wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Maybe it was a mistake to include Message Transformation under Third
> Party Rule-Interchange Services because the former actually does not
> involve interchange of rules so much as interchange of RDF-based data
> that has been massaged by rules. I think it was the fact that Message
> Transformation includes a third-party, namely the "Mediary Service,"
> that led me to see that connection.  
> The rules in the Message Transformation use-case are RDF-transformation
> rules.  The RIF charter is very clear about the importance of
> compatiblity with RDF semantics.  So I am wondering if there shouldn't
> be a new general use case category with a title something like
> "Cross-Ontology RDF-Data Interchange."  This could be based on a
> fleshed-out version of your original use-case.  What we want is a
> detailed scenario. In your orignal use-case Wiki page you say: "A
> concrete narrative and example data set and rules could be provided if
> it becomes clear this is a useful enough case to expand in such
> detail,"  so I gather you could provide one.
> Obviously this is something that the WG as a whole has to agree upon.
> Allen 
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Dave Reynolds
> Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 11:23 AM
> To: RIF
> Subject: [UCR] Coverage
> [Second email required to submit a "no" answer on the strawpoll, this
> time 
> for section "coverage".]
> A primary use case for us is the use of rules to transform a set of RDF
> statements from one ontology to another: 
> This use case has been grouped under general use case section 7 (Third 
> Party Rule-Interchange Services) but that section of the UCR draft
> document 
> seems specific to policy rules. One would not guess an ability of RIF
> to 
> express RDF transformations from the write up of that section.
> The ontology transformation use case may be implicit as a special case
> of 
> Information Integration, if so it needs to more explicit in that
> section.
> Dave
Jos de Bruijn,
+43 512 507 6475

Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often
  -- Oscar Wilde

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2006 10:24:52 UTC