Re: [UCR] comment on reference to charter definition of "rule language"

On Mon, 6 Feb 2006, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I am puzzled by the following section of
> 	1.1 What is a Rule Interchange Format And Why Create One?
> 	[...]
> 	A RIF is not a rule language.

I understand the RIF in general to be a set of languages with some common
features.  I usually think of this as a core language with a set of
extensions.  But I believe the two views are equivalent; every meaningful
combination of extensions can be given a name and called a new language.

The reason it's envisioned as a set of languages (instead of just one
language)  is that it appears we will need incompatible extensions.  As
the charter says:

  The general directions for extensions in expressive power lie along two
  roads: monotonic extensions towards full first-order logic (FOL) and
  non-monotonic extensions based on minimal-model semantics found in Logic
  Programming (LP) systems. [In phase 2] the Working Group will have to
  navigate this space and find extensions which best serve users.

This is also discussed in

There was discussion in that breakout and in the debrief which followed
which suggested this needs to be figured out in Phase 1 because the
different styles of semantics produce different results even for Horn
rules when queried via SPARQL.

Meanwhile, I think it's also true in a trivial way that any set of
languages which are self-identifying (as XML formats are) can be
considered as one language.  So in that sense at least, yes, RIF is a

> To me, this opens up the distinct possibility of direct implementations of the
> RIF.

Surely it's impossible to tell -- from a sufficient distance -- whether a
system implements RIF logic directly or performs some translation to a
"native" rule language.

     -- sandro

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2006 00:54:48 UTC