Re: [RIF] A Modest Proposal: Work Out Some Concrete Examples; Example-1: CHANGE-BABY-IF-WET rule

Francois Bry <> wrote:
> I agree that RIF should have (1) a clear declarative semantics and (2) 
> in addition support conveying *some* *limited* specifications of 
> procedural semantics (eg backward chaining is intended because with 
> forward chaining the considered rules would require to process all/too 
> many nodes on the Web).

I disagree with that, especially with the statement that "with forward
chaining the considered rules would require to process all/too many nodes
on the Web".

This is all a matter for the query optimizer to resolve.

> Back to RIF: I beleive RIF should give rise to express:
> - logical formulas in a FOL style (preferably using a rich syntax)
> - intended use of the formulas (eg deduction rule, integrity 
> constraints, ontologies)
> - intended negation (monotonic or non-monotonic)
> - intended declarative semantics (eg Well Founded or Stable Model or FOL)
> - intended truth valuations of all kinds (including discrete truth 
> valuations such as eg true/false, true/unknown/false, 
> known-tue/possibly-true/possibly-false/known-false as well as continous 
> truth valuations such as [0..1] 0 meaining false, etc.)
> - schemas (in the acception of RDFS) ie what is also called sorts in 
> automated reasoning and logic (ie classes and sub-class relationships 
> and the like)
> - name (not procedural semantics!) of the rule engine the rules have 
> been designed for.
> - maybe further "properties".
> Of course, RIF should make it possible that some of the above is not 
> specified with a ruleset.

Amen to that (although I am not sure that we will want to handle all of
that in the end).


Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2006 20:03:42 UTC