Re: [TED] Action-188, ISSUE: production rule systems have "difficulty" with recursive rules in RIF Core

> > Yes, but the purpose of the RIF is to support the interchange of any  
> > rule language. Conformance must be expressed in terms of being  
> > faithful to the semantics of RIF, not whether you implement  
> > everything in it. If you are faithful to the semantics, then someone  
> > else can come along and reliably interpret your translated rule set.
> How do you suggest that I -- a user -- know what rules I can write and
> remain confident they will work on several other vendors' systems?
>      -- Sandro

My suggestion would be to give up this unrealistic goal.
Any rule set that meets this criterion (remember that you said that you
don't want to change any of the rule systems) is not worth writing.


Received on Monday, 18 December 2006 14:03:31 UTC