Re: [TED] Action-188, ISSUE: production rule systems have "difficulty" with recursive rules in RIF Core

> I agree that RIF Core should not support actions.  We'll have a PR or ECA
> or Reactive Rule dialect that does.
> I do not agree that RIF Core is empty.  I think it is positive
> non-recursive slotted Horn with some kind of XML schema data typing.
> There may be languages (like Michael's aggregegate-free SQL example) that
> can't even meet this "dirt simple" level of conformance.  So be it.  We
> can't make 
> everyone happy.  We should try to make our own constituents happy, and
> one of those constituents is certainly the business rule community.
> Cheers,
>    Gary

The RIF standard will clearly be shaped by the constituency of the RIF
committee. But this doesn't mean that the committee should be so
narrow-minded as to think only about the immediate interests of the
committee members. I hope W3C has more common sense than that.

As I mentioned in a previous email, we are defining a standard and have the
responsibility that this standard passes the crap-test.


Received on Sunday, 17 December 2006 17:33:35 UTC