Sandro Hawke wrote:
> [reply to the WG]
>>p.s.: probably sandro knows more about whether a particular XML format 
>>can be used to import questions directly?
> No, there's no import mechanism.
> What's interesting me is the idea that this questionaire corresponds to
> an OWL class hierarchy.  Every check box seems to indicate whether the
> rule language under consideration is an instance of some class.  (In
> some cases it might be better thought of as a property restriction, I suppose.)

properties might be chosen if there are one or more instances for 
fillers, if the feature in question is only yes/no or respectively given 
by check-box style answers (which applies to the majority of questions), 
then a simple taxonomy of classes does better in my opinion (with the 
adavantage that even RDFS suffices, i.e. if we need properties, convince 
me first, pleaase ;-) )

> The subclass hierarchy corresponds to the nesting/chaining of
> descriminators Hassan wants.  The either-or questions correspond to
> disjoint subclasses.

This is a nice one, as it automatically leads us to the tree structure 
of questions and orders the features

> I'm musing over the possibility of generating the WBS back-end data
> from such an ontology -- what other data might be needed, how much
> programming would it take, would the code be useful for anything else?
> -- and visa versa, for bootstrapping the ontology.
> If anyone's interested in hacking on this, let me know and I can get you
> a dump of the SQL back end.
>     -- Sandro

Dr. Axel Polleres
email:  url:

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 10:14:38 UTC