Some type oriented discriminators

The purpose of this series of questions is to try to ascertain what  
kind of support there is for types in the rule language. The range of  
possible type systems is huge, so it is a little difficult to ensure  
that one questionnaire covers all the possibilities.

1. Does the language support any form of types on terms, predicates  
and other program elements?
a. Yes
b. No

(If no, please read following questions, you might decide to re- 
answer this question.)

2. Does the language support any built-in functions, predicates or  
a. Yes
b. No

3. If yes, does the system dynamically verify that the arity of any  
use of these built-ins is consistent with the semantics of the built- 
in? (E.g., do the arithmetic operators verify the correct number of  
arguments when they are applied during a computation?)
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, the language supports limited dynamic types of  
functions/predicates etc.

4. If yes to 2, do they perform type safety checks on their input  
arguments? (E.g., does the arithmetic addition operator verify that  
the arguments are numbers?)
a. Yes
b. No

5. If yes, does a type violation cause a different kind of result  
from a normal failure/negative response?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language supports dynamic types on terms.

6. Does the language treat an attempt to invoke a non-defined program  
differently to a failed attempt to use a defined rule/predicate/ 
function etc.?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language supports limited types on predicates/ 
functions/actions etc.

7. Does the language support any form of explicit type language?
a. Yes
b. No

8. Are terms that denote types syntactically distinct from terms that  
denote values?
a. Yes
b. No

9. Are terms that denote types semantically distinct from terms that  
denote values?
a. Yes
b. No

10. Are type terms permitted as value terms in rules?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then language supports explicit dynamic typing

11. May a type term be a function term (i.e., may a type term contain  
other type terms as arguments)?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the type language support parametric polymorphism.

12. Which statement is more accurate for the relationship between  
type terms and other elements of the language:
a. The type system induces an abstract interpretation over the sets  
of rules.
b. The type system partitions the universe of elements into disjoint  
c. The type system represents a system of monadic predicates with a  
distinguished interpretation.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
Note: this is an attempt to gain a rough characterization of the  
semantics of types vs the semantics of rules themselves.

13. Is it possible to define arbitrary predicates over type terms?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language is likely not type decidable.

14. Does the language support any predefined predicates over type terms?
a. Yes
b. No

15. Does the language support any form of sub-type relation over type  
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language supports sub-type polymorphism

16. Does the language support existential types? E.g., is it possible  
to write rules that can 'recover' a type of an argument whose type is  

a. Yes
b. No

17. Does the language support type reflection? I.e., can the type of  
an expression be reified, and can the type of an expression be  
determined to be consistent with a reified type expression?

a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language must also support type casting.

18. Does the language permit annotations on expressions that further  
constrain the type of the expression?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language supports type casting.

19. Does the language system perform type consistency verification  
independently of any queries?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language supports static type checking

20. Does the language permit queries if one or more type  
inconsistencies are detected?
a. Yes
b. No

21. Does the language permit more than one type interpretation of any  
terms/rules/functions/predicates etc.?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language is weakly typed, if no, then the  
language is strongly typed.

22. Does the language permit more than one type for any function/ 
predicate/action symbol?

a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, then the language supports overloading.
Note: this is different to previous question, it is possible to be  
strongly type checked and to support overloading.

23. Does the language permit individual rules to select on the type  
of the arguments (as opposed to the values of the arguments)?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: if yes, the language supports type restrictions.

24. Does the language support type interfaces?
a. Yes
b. No

25. Can a type interface include assertions as well as pure type  
a. Yes
b. No

26. Can a type interface capture preconditions/postconditions/ 
a. Preconditions only
b. Preconditions and postconditions
c. Preconditions, postconditions and invariants

27. Does the type language permit description of modules/packages?
a. Yes
b. No

28. Does the type language permit the description of large scale  
entities such as classes, modules, packages etc.?
a. Yes
b. No

29. Does the type system support the assembly of rule systems from  
multiple sources? (I.e., are features such as loading of modules also  
type safe?)
a. Yes
b. No

30. Does the language support any form of reference type?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: Reference types are often used in conjunction with re- 
assignable variables.

31. For parametric polymorphic type systems, are there any  
distinctions between the types permitted on reference types as  
compared to non-reference types?
a. Yes
b. No

Note: Many functional programming languages have complex rules  
associated with the type targets of reference types; such as not  
permitting polymorphism in such cases.

Received on Sunday, 20 August 2006 22:01:54 UTC