Re: [RIFWG] [Requirements?] A vision for the RIF

Michael Kifer wrote:
> - there is no real difference between deductive
> and normative formulas in FOL.

I love logic and acadcemic discussions. But I would like to see more
practical arguments, too.

Consider concrete business rule examples like EU-REnt (Goolge will lead
you to it). There, you clearly see a difference between deductive rules
and normative formulas.

THis difference is needed in practice, and therefore the RIF should
support it.

If now one can bring both deduiction rules and normative formulas in the
same formal, logical framework, fine. But practitionbers need a RIF
conveying the difference.

My understanding is that thisa discussion is taking place at two
different levels: 1. the level of what language practitioners need, and
2. the level of how to formalize such a language.

Both issues are important ones. But they should not be mixed up.


Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2006 08:02:16 UTC