Re: [all] OWL and RDF compatibility scribles

Michael Kifer wrote:
>> Attached is a slightly modified version of the SW compatibility breakout notes
>> in PDF form.  I added a key for the labels I used for the speakers.
>> -Evan
> I have a Q regarding one of the remarks that Bijan made (according to the
> notes). Posting here because there might be wider interest in this.
> There was a discussion of whether the query language (SPARQL) has negation
> and Bijan said that the existentials get us there.
> This is something that I don't understand. *Universal quantification* in a
> query language introduces negation. But existential conjunctive queries
> without explicit negation are Horn clauses and are within Datalog.
> For those queries the classical equivalence of logical implication, least
> fixpoint, and the unique min model holds.

I am not sure if this bit of SPARQL is relevant.
If not please ignore.


One may test that a graph pattern is not expressed by specifying an 
optional graph pattern that introduces a variable and testing to see 
that the variable is not bound. This is called Negation as Failure in 
logic programming.

This query matches the people with a name but no expressed date:

PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc:   <>
SELECT ?name
  WHERE { ?x foaf:givenName  ?name .
          OPTIONAL { ?x dc:date ?date } .
          FILTER (!bound(?date)) }

Query result:


Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2005 17:50:24 UTC