[Use Case] FUB-1 Managing incomplete information


A travel agency has an information system storing (incomplete) data
about its customers.

A knowledge base states general information about the domain:

"travellers have an home address",
"travellers either pay cash or pay with a credit card";

Class(kb:traveller partial
   restriction(kb:homeAddress someValuesFrom (owl:Thing))),
Class(kb:traveller partial
   unionOf(kb:paysCash kb:paysCC)).

Note that the statements in the above knowledge base can not be
expressed neither in RDF(S) nor in DLP; both can be expressed in
OWL-Lite, and the first one can be expressed in DL-Lite.
The above statements could be expressed equivalently as follows:
kb:traveller rdfs:subClassOf (some kb:homeAddress owl:Thing).
kb:traveller rdfs:subClassOf unionOf(kb:paysCash kb:paysCC).

The (ground) data includes:

"Paul, Andrea, Simon, Caroline are customers",
"Paul and Andrea are travellers",
"Simon pays with credit card",
"Caroline pays cash",
"Paul travels with Andrea and Simon",
"Simon travels with Andrea",
"Andrea travels with Caroline";

db:customer("Paul"), db:customer("Andrea"),
db:customer("Simon"), db:customer("Caroline"),
kb:traveller("Paul"), kb:traveller("Andrea"),
kb:paysCC("Simon"), kb:paysCash("Caroline"),
db:travels-with("Paul","Andrea"), db:travels-with("Paul","Simon"),
db:travels-with("Simon","Andrea"), db:travels-with("Andrea","Caroline").

An application on top of the information system uses rules to derive
new information.

***[use case (a): existential information]:

"Is Paul a customer with an address?"

db:customer-with-address(X) :- db:customer(X), kb:homeAddress(X,Y).

In a framework with a 'classical' semantics we actually get
as expected, since Paul is a customer and a traveller, and travellers
do have an address by definition in the knowledge base.

However, in most approaches integrating rules with ontologies it is not
true that
since variables (including the 'Y') are grounded on the herbrand

***[use case (b): disjunctive information]:

"Is Paul a paying customer?"

db:paying-customer(X) :- db:customer(X), kb:paysCC(X).
db:paying-customer(X) :- db:customer(X), kb:paysCash(X).

In a framework with a 'classical' semantics we actually get
as expected, since Paul is a customer and a traveller, and travellers -
by definition in the knowledge base - do pay either cash or with a  
card so that at least one of the two rules is fired for Paul.

However, in most approaches integrating rules with ontologies it is not
true that
since rules operate on a preferred (minimal) model, which in this case
assumes that Paul is neither paying cash nor with credit card (being
neither of the two facts provable individually).

***[use case (c): multiple model information]:

[this is the (in)famous Little House example from

"Is Paul a customer travelling with somebody paying with credit card
  who's travelling with somebody paying cash?"

db:query(X) :- db:customer(X), db:travels-with(X,Y), kb:paysCC(Y),
                                db:travels-with(Y,Z), kb:paysCash(Z).

In a framework with a 'classical' semantics we actually get
as expected, since Andrea pays either cash or with a credit card, so
that Paul is in any model in the extension of db:query.

However, in most approaches integrating rules with ontologies it is not
true that
since rules operate on a preferred (minimal) model, which in this case
assumes that Andrea is neither paying cash nor with credit card (being
neither of the two facts provable individually).


- The above use cases are among the simplest examples of the impact of
   incomplete information (such as the one introduced by simple
   ontologies) in a rule framework integrated with ontologies

- RDF(S) and DLP do not introduce incomplete information, since they
   have the minimal model property

- It is important to devise a (or several alternative) precise and
   formal semantics to the rule framework, so that these use cases will
   have a non-ambiguous meaning

- Ideally, when expressible, it is desirable to get the expected
   intuitive behaviour called 'classical semantics' in the use cases

Received on Monday, 5 December 2005 23:27:08 UTC