Re: Introductions

Introduction of Ora Lassila of Nokia Research Center

Principal, Regrets for F2F
>   -- a bio summarizing experience you have that's relevant to the
>      work of this group

I have worked on the Semantic Web since 1996 (and before that on various KR-
and other AI-related projects). I served as the editor of the original RDF
specification ("Model & Syntax"). Since then I have mostly studied the
applicability of Semantic Web technologies to mobile and ubiquitous
computing. I am also the principal designer/implementor/maintainer of
Nokia's open-source Semantic Web toolkit ("Wilbur",

>   -- as much contact info as you care to share on this public list

See the end of the message for my home page address.

>   -- what you expect to get out of this WG

First and foremost, I want to see that any rules work happens along lines
that are compatible with and build upon the existing Semantic Web standards
and architecture. I am mostly interested in using rules for inference
(Wilbur will have a rule engine in the near future); I am also interested in
using rules for implementing various aspects of context- and
policy-awareness in mobile environments.

>   -- what you hope/expect to contribute.

Good understanding of the "big picture" of the Semantic Web. Experience and
expertise in implementing systems processing Semantic Web formalisms (more
generally, I have designed and implemented several KR systems that saw
serious "real-world" use).

In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that in addition to my
full-time role at the Nokia Research Center, I am also a member of the
Technical Advisory Boards of both Cerebra and ILOG.

    - Ora

Ora Lassila
Research Fellow, Nokia Research Center / Cambridge, MA

Received on Monday, 5 December 2005 15:27:17 UTC