Extended CfP due Aug. 15, 2016: SmaCiT 2016 - Smart Cities and Emerging Topics Track

(Apologies for cross-posts)






SmaCiT 2016 - Smart Cities and Emerging Topics Track 


In conjunction with the 3rd International Conference for E-Democracy and
Open Government, Asia 2016 (CeDEM Asia 2016) 

Daegu, South Korea, December 7-9, 2016




Track's Objective


SmaCiT 2016's main objective is to promote Smart City research results
mainly in the context smart government. As part of the CEDEM 2016
International conference, this workshop is dedicated to open discussions
about the most important issues today in terms of smart city
implementations, practices, governance and future aspects.


The aim of this track is to demonstrate current and emerging smart city
trends, mainly -but not limited- with regard to smart government. This year
Track's objective addresses the "City Government Vs State Government: who
wins the smart race in the international arena?".  More specifically, it
focuses on how smart city is being developed and whether smart city race
affects government role and democratic aspects in the urban space. 

To address the above mentioned aspects, we solicit the following topics (but
not limited to):


*         Becoming a smart city: Best practices, failures and practical

*         Successful technologies for integrating all dimensions of human,
collective, and artificial intelligence within the city;

*         The internet of things and co-production, interoperability;

*         Creative partnerships and creative industries in Smart City;

*         Relations of innovative technologies, democratic societies &
concepts of "Smartness";

*         The social implications of technology, social cities, the best
options for citizens, avoiding the negative impacts of technology;

*         Smart cities, citizen science and urban informatics;

*         Theoretical foundations on Smart City and Smart Government;

*         Smart City emerging topics (i.e., energy, water, waste,
transportation etc.)

*         The roles of government for smart city development (i.e.,
promotion push, policy, standards, start-ups);

*         Infrastructure, components and service definition and

*         Smart services for evaluation and benchmarking;

*         Smart city service and information quality in social content;

*         Ensuring security and privacy in Smart Cities.

*         Citizen satisfaction from smart services.




We welcome full research papers, case studies, and reflection/discussion
papers. Full papers should be up to 12 pages long (max 10,000 words),
including the abstract and appendices. Case studies / project papers are of
the same size (12 pages, up to 10,000 words). Reflections may be short (up
to 6 pages and 5,000 words), but should clearly and distinctly address one
or more issues pertinent to smart city research including research methods
and quality as well as focus of studies. Papers should be designed to
support in-depth discussions of one of these issues during the track.
Research papers and case studies will follow a double-blind-peer review
process. Papers will be clustered in small sets of papers focusing on
similar or related issues.


Submission Guidelines


The accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of CEDEM ASIA
2016's. More details regarding publication issues are presented on the
conference's website (


All submitted papers must be:

-          written in English; 

-          exclude author names, affiliations, and email addresses from
their initial submission; 

-          submitted online via the Easychair system
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cedemasia2016) selecting the track
"Smart Cities and Emerging topics" at the bottom;

-          be in .doc/.docx or PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on
any platform); 

-          formatted for US Letter size, but excluding references;


It is the authors responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere
strictly to the required format.


Accepted refereed papers, must be presented at the conference by an author
who is registered to attend. Please be aware that the CEDEM ASIA 2016
organizers will require at least one registration per paper published in
either the main Proceedings. At the time of submission of the final
camera-ready copy, authors will have to indicate the already registered
person for that publication. We strongly encourage at least one author of
every paper to register by the early-bird deadline so that session chairs
can make plans for its presentation.


Important Dates


Submissions due: Aug. 15th, 2016 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)

Notification of Acceptance: Sept. 30th, 2016.

Camera ready paper submission: October 15th, 2016

Conference dates & location: December 7-9th, 2016


For any questions, please contact the track chairs:


Leonidas ANTHOPOULOS, Associate Professor, University of Applied Science
(TEI) of Thessaly, Greece,  <mailto:lanthopo@teilar.gr> lanthopo@teilar.gr 

Sofia T. SHWARI, Seoul National University, South Korea, beysofia@gmail.com

Alois PAULIN, Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics,
Austria, apaulin@caa.tuwien.ac.at <mailto:apaulin@caa.tuwien.ac.at>  



Received on Friday, 22 July 2016 22:49:14 UTC