Phone bridge setup (was Re: I18N issues an OWL2)

Dear all,

the phone bridge has been setup:

Monday, 21 July 17:00-18:00 UTC (1:00pm-2:00pm Boston local)
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 4878 ("ITST")
10 participants



Felix Sasaki wrote:
> Ivan Herman さんは書きました:
>> Felix, if you give me the time, I am happy to set up the call with zakim.
> Many thanks, Ivan. Let's hope that Addison agrees on Monday July 21, 
> 17:00 GMT .
> Felix
>> Ivan
>> Felix Sasaki wrote:
>>> Given that Addison is on the East Coast, this could work. If Addison 
>>> agrees with Monday July 21, 17:00 GMT, could somebody set up a call? 
>>> I will be offline soon and be back on Monday morning (in Europe).
>>> Felix
>>> Axel Polleres さんは書きました:
>>>> Felix had suggested a conf. call particularly on the language issues.
>>>> Any news on that? To get going, I suggest the following date:
>>>> Monday July 21, 17:00 GMT
>>>> If that is fine, sandro, could you set up a conf call via the W3C 
>>>> conference bridge and an IRC channel? If no, other suggestions?
>>>> best,
>>>> Axel
>>>> Axel Polleres wrote:
>>>>> Felix Sasaki wrote:
>>>>>> Jie Bao さんは書きました:
>>>>>>> Hi, Ian, Alan and Axel
>>>>>>> Per Addison's suggestion, would you prefer to have a joint task 
>>>>>>> force
>>>>>>> from the three WGs: OWL, RIF and I18N? If that works, Axel (RIF),
>>>>>>> Addison (I18N) and me (OWL) could be the pointer person for next
>>>>>>> steps. Any other idea or comment?
>>>>>> it would be great to have a joint call, maybe even before the to 
>>>>>> be expected "August summer break". That might be sufficient to go 
>>>>>> through Addison's comments, to judge whether we should install a 
>>>>>> task force, how long it should work etc. How about next week?
>>>>>> Felix
>>>>> sounds good to me.
>>>>> Axel


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 15:38:03 UTC