Re: W3C HTML Fork without Digital Restriction Management

On 1/15/2014 1:20 PM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> Mark Watson <> wrote:
>> And, again, we are interested in getting a good technical
>> specification that is interoperably implemented as widely as
>> possible, and not in getting some kind of political statement from
>> the W3C about DRM. Can we have one without the other ? Given it's
>> membership, getting such a statement - in either direction - seems
>> unlikely and is IMO unnecessary.
> Well when the Internet governance ecosystem is such that the Internet
> governance institutions are unwilling or unwilling to make political
> any decisions --not even political decision that are in fact logical
> consequences of their own principles--

I think this means that W3C is unwilling to make decisions about EME.

I don't think this is accurate.

W3C has made a decision that content protection is within scope for HTML.

W3C has not made a decision about the EME spec because it is still an 
early draft.  When the WG completes its work it will come to the 
Director for approval and we will make a decision (one way or the other).

The phrase "not even political decision that are in fact logical 
consequences of their own principles" I think means that W3C is 
unwilling to revoke its decision that content protection is within scope 
even though it must - based on its principles.

But the W3C Director has argued in a blog post why content protection is 
not opposed to W3C principles.

It is not that W3C is unwilling to make decisions or be consistent with 
its principles, it is just that W3C interprets its principles 
differently than others do.

>   that will tend to serve the
> interests of those who are economically powerful just fine, while
> advocates for other perspectives, including public interest
> perspectives, are effectively sidelined.
> This is not how things are supposed to work in democratic societies.
> Greetings,
> Norbert

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 18:35:16 UTC