Re: What change could we make? (was Re: Letter on DRM in HTML)

> To strengthen this principle, should W3C or someone try to stimulate the
construction of an open source, patent-free CDM?  Would any of the browser
companies be willing to include that in their browser to try to encourage
content owners to utilize it?
It would strength it, but content owners would not trust it because it's
open and don't use it, so we are in the same currently situation. In fact,
if some content owners use it since some browsers only accept it as a
format like it currently happens with <video> tag it would be considered a
success because "someone" is using this open CDM the same way VP8 is a
"success" instead of everybody using closed ones the same way they are
using h264, but definitely this would became another corner stone for a
(already) fragmented web, being the main victim the final consumers if they
can't be able to see the content because they choosed a browser that can't
be able to play it. Another alternative would be to enforce the usage of
this open CDM both only allowing it on the spec or forcing content owners
to offer at least a version of the content using it, but this would also go
against the definition of open web, only that in another diferent direction.

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 19:05:48 UTC