Re: Is EME usable regardless of the software/hardware I use ?

> Extended analogies aside, what would be a good way to address this
concern ? That is, how can we give the user the _option_ to _voluntarily_
accept that certain restrictions be applied to certain data without opening
the door to the security and privacy concerns expressed above ?
Honestly, the best one I find is, as Linus Toldvalds says, "the brave one
does't do backup, he upload it to a FTP as wait to everybody to copy it".
Not kidding, I promise, but I don't find a better one... :-/

I'll try to think something more "serious", anyway this is the kind of
problems I have been requesting we should fix instead of being arguing
about EME...

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 22:16:21 UTC