Help with WebKit Layout Tests


We  need your help writing LayoutTests for WebKit and Blink!

As most of you know, Yoav Weiss has put together a WebKit fork to test <picture> implementation. After Google's announcement, he also forked Blink and got <picture> working in there. One of the most important parts of getting the implementation working, and eventually getting a patch accepted into the real browsers, is creating and running Layout Tests ( These tests make sure that the renderer is working properly, and help find any areas that still need to be spec'ed. Layout Tests are pretty easy to work with: they're just simple HTML and JavaScript, and some text or PNG files with expected rendering results.

I've been helping Yoav over the past couple weeks by adapting existing Layout Tests that were originally created for <img> and <video>. Right now we have 128 tests that are working as expected and 49 tests that are failing; these failing tests have helped us identify 7 implementation issues and 10 specification issues. Unfortunately, there are still over 675 tests that I've identified that we want to look at and possibly adapt, and that's where we're going to need some help.

If you're interested in helping with some of these, you can:
Fork WebKit from me at You'll be interested in the picture branch.
Build WebKit (including DumpRenderTree).
Start adapting tests from LayoutTests/picture/TODO/ to test <picture> functionality.
Start writing new tests for <picture> that check a) if the picture is displayed, b) that the right picture is displayed, c) that only the required resources are downloaded (for both <picture src> and <picture><source src /></picture>), and d) that the resources are preloaded properly
Adapted tests should be renamed to picture-originalfilename.html (or picture-originalfilename-source.html for <picture><source /></picture> tests) and all finished tests should be moved to either LayoutTests/picture/working/ or LayoutTests/picture/expectedfails/.

For any test that fails because of a spec or implementation issue, you should file a bug. Specification issues should be filed against the RICG picture element repo (, and implementation issues should be filed against Yoav's Blink fork ( Once bugs have been filed, failing tests should be entered into LayoutTests/TestExpectations with a description of the issue and a link to the bug.

Finished tests should be sent back to my WebKit fork with a Pull Request.

If you have questions or if this seems overwhelming, Yoav and are I are both often on the RICG IRC channel, #respimg on, and are happy to help you get going.


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 14:46:08 UTC