Re: [public-respimg] <none>

On Sunday, December 30, 2012, Kornel wrote:

> On 29 gru 2012, at 23:13, Andy Davies < <javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > I'm only following a distance but I'm wondering...
> >
> > How does <picture> cope with a scenario where you want an image to be
> displayed at certain viewport sizes but not at others?
> Perhaps it's not necessary to add any features for this, as it can be
> achieved with:
> @media all and (some viewport) {
>   img, picture {display:none}
> }

Won't the common download behaviour of display:none need to be changed for
this to work?

Presume the behaviour for picture {display: none} is undefined in the same
way it is for img?



Received on Sunday, 30 December 2012 12:38:33 UTC