Quick update: HTMLWG discussed our specs and bugs

Hi all,  
Some good news: During their teleconf today, members of the HTMLWG discussed how to move our specs forward (minutes below). We have general support to move both the use case and the picture spec forward: the use cases to become a Working Group Note and picture will go on the Standards track.   

The bugs we filed the other day [1] will be addressed by early January. Ted O'Connor, who edits the srcset spec, has already reviewed them and pulled all the right levers so they get a proper prioritization as part of the process (He won't publish the img@srcset attribute spec until after he has dealt with our bugs).  

Below there is also some talk about merging the two specs… could be good!  

These are little wins, so give yourself a pat on the back :)   

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-respimg/2012Nov/0024.html


paulc: appears to be a request with no responses about publishing their document via the HTML WG
.... added to the agenda because not sure how to process this


paulc: plh, i wasn't sure how to respond to this - nobody has responded
.... CG has asked about publishing use cases

plh: seems to me good to publish use cases as WG note

adrianba: haven't had time to respond but we are supportive of moving this forward in HTML WG based on great work in the CG

paulc: so you support publishing both?

adrianba: yes

paulc: this was discussed at TPAC - was the the conclusion to move forward with both specs

hober: that's how i remember it

paulc: are you ready to publish or do you want to process bugs?

hober: i haven't asked for fpwd because i want to process bugs
.... expect to be ready in early january

plh: is the intent to pick a winner down the road or do we see both going to rec

hober: think given the timeframe for plan 2014 we have a pretty good window of time to figure this out so i'm okay with uncertainty
.... that said, would be easy to merge srcset document

plh: i was thinking about merging the two proposals for responsive images
.... think it would be good in status of documents to give information about expectation of the group
.... because people might wonder about publishing two competing specs

hober: happy to update status in that way

paulc: i will respond to the msg 173 saying editor of srcset extension proposal has asked for time to process bugs
.... and expect to process CfC on theses docs in early 2013

hober: sounds good

paulc: will move this to admin list

hober: given it is december, expect people will accept early 2013 timeframe

Marcos Caceres

Received on Sunday, 9 December 2012 21:27:40 UTC