Re: Alt content [ was: “Adaptive Image Element Proposal”, now off HTML WG list ]

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012 20:10:54 +0100, Mathew Marquis <>  

> 1) Duplicating the `alt` attribute on both `picture` and the fallback  
> `img`
> 2) `alt` specified on fallback `img`, using `aria-labelledby` on  
> `picture` to reference the ID of the fallback `img`

1) is better. For those who know what alt text is, it's already known and  
2) is  a different pattern, yet does the same thing as (1). It's harder to  
explain, more to understand, requires an id on the <img> which otherwise  
wouldn't need one, and is more to get wrong. It makes a11y harder, and we  
all know that we don't want more impediments.


(speaking personally, not representing Opera)

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 19:30:07 UTC