owl:sameAs assertions in RDFa

hello all

I am trying to make an owl:sameAs assertion in some RDFa. I have the 
following code:

<span rel="rnews:about" 
     <span rel="owl:sameAs" 

(I have declared the rnews and owl prefixes elsewhere in the doc)

When I test it only the first statement (rnews:about bbc:thing) is being 
picked up by linked data extraction tools, the owl:sameAs to the 
corresponding dbpedia URI is being ignored. Can anyone tell me what I'm 
doing wrong here please?


Jeremy Tarling
Data Architect, BBC News
Future Media News & Knowledge
4th floor New Broadcasting House
London W1A 1AA
tel: 07799 510 992

Received on Monday, 1 April 2013 15:18:25 UTC