Re: Complexity of RDFa

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Rob Vesse <> wrote:
> Hi all

> In some respects from a developer standpoint (in terms of parsing) this
> complexity is irrelevant, the rules are very clear and you can write a
> parser relatively quickly that can extract the RDFa from HTML/XHTML.  But
> from a developer standpoint in terms of embedding your RDF as RDFa inside
> your markup it’s a lot trickier to decide how best to do this because of the
> many options on offer.

I don't mean this to be a too simplistic answer, but the many options
of RDFa are extremely important to me. I use RDFa to encode
extractable information in human-readable documents related to
humanities disciplines such Classics, archaeology, numismatics, etc.
The "human readable" part comes first, then I extract the parsable
information to triples for processing. So long as I can get my data
into triples, I'm less concerned with what it looks like when embedded
in text-oriented XHTML. Do I try to make my RDFa relatively readable?
Yes. But that's not the primary goal.

 So... being able to use the full expressiveness of the host markup
language is important to me.


Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 13:01:41 UTC