Re: FYI: Slideshare is using RDFa....


Great to see you guys tweaking your RDFa!

As you're doing that, I recommend:

1) putting the RDFa markup in the page content, so you're reusing
existing markup rather than copying the data in the HEAD, and

2) adding RDFa to the "share" markup that you allow others to embed in
their sites, so that their embedding of the slides also carries the
structured data along with it.

If you need any specific help with that, please don't hesitate to ask!


Mani Kumar wrote:
> Hello Manu, Martin:
> myself "mani kumar" a SlideShare engineer.
> We have recently added RDFa to our slideview pages. And yes we are not
> using RDFa document type declaration.
> Please let us know what we should add for document type declaration.
> Thanks!
> Mani Kumar

Received on Sunday, 29 March 2009 16:04:58 UTC