Re: RDFa Documents For Dreamweaver versions 8 -> CS4

Hello Kingsley

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Martin McEvoy wrote:
>> Greetings All
>> I am proud to announce  RDFa Documents extension For Dreamweaver 
>> versions 8 to CS4
>> RDFa Documents  contans a HTML TagLibrary with RDFa attributes and a 
>> XHTML+RDFa 1.0 Document Type Declaration.
>> The Extension will be available via Adobe Exchange (soon),  after its 
>> passed a review by Adobe's QA
>> The Extension Makes RDFa available to any Layout or Template that 
>> supports HTML/XHTML, It is also possible to convert existing 
>> Documents to RDFa using the Dreamweaver conversion utility.
>> For Now you can download the RDFa Dreamweaver Extension at the 
>> following location:
>> Best wishes.
> Sounds very interesting.
> Is there a simple time saving step-by guide that covers inserting RDFa 
> into existing (X)HTML documents using this extension?

No not yet Kingsley, The RDFa Documents Extension only offers at the 
moment basic functionality to mark up RDFa in your documents, it is only 
at version 0.1

The next version, depending on demand will have a reference guide to 
RDFa in a Nutshell.

> What do I do with the design view sentence below (action-wise) when 
> compared to inserting the RDFa by hand (flicking to code-view and 
> entering by hand):

The extension does no support for inserting RDFa in design view this 
must be done at code level which does have the support of predictive 
text via a drop down.

Again depending on demand the 0.2 version will have support for 
inserting RDFa in designer view via  the Tag Chooser, also some tool bar 
items to insert sample RDFa blocks such as FOAF, DC, CC,  vCard and 
vCal. Lastly via The Properties Bar, (when I work out how to achieve 
this).  I chose not to include these features just yet because of the 
current flux with RDFa and @rel, @profile an xml namespaces (@xmlns) ,  
if they are in fact issues at all.

The easiest way to get going with RDFa in Dreamweaver is to create a new 

File => New [Control+N on your keyboard]

The Page Types you can choose from are HTML, ASP, HTML Template, JSP or PHP
you can chose any layout, then from the Doc Type select, XHTML+RDFa 1.0
You are done, carry on in design view but split your view so you can see 
both Code and Design view and inserting RDFa where necessary.
You can also convert your existing web pages by choosing File => Convert 
=> XHTML+RDFa, this does nothing more but insert the RDFa Document type 
declaration and convert (if not already) your document to XHTML.
> This document is about the wonders of RDFa and the Semantic Web.

It sounds fascinating :)

Any feedback and Ideas on how to improve the extension is always welcome 
either personally via email or via the public-rdfa mailing list.

best wishes.

Martin McEvoy

"You may find it hard to swallow the notion that anything as large and apparently inanimate as the Earth is alive."
Dr. James Lovelock, The Ages of Gaia

Received on Thursday, 5 March 2009 00:13:41 UTC